Prosperous Pet Business Podcast
Episode #100: Podcast Coaching Updates

The podcast is 100 today!
To celebrate this special 100th episode, I invited the pet business owners I coached on the last 7 episodes to be on the podcast.
Today you’ll hear 5 of those 7 pet business owners share what actions they took after they got coached by me on the podcast and where they are at now in their businesses and personal lives. (The two who couldn’t make it for today’s episode really wanted to be part of it, but one had COVID and the other had internet issues.)
Click to listen to Prosperous Pet Business Podcast Coaching Updates.
Episode #99: Get More Clients

Today’s coaching session is with Lori, a pet sitter and dog walker who lives and works in Pennsylvania.
Even though this coaching session is with a dog walker who wants to get more dog walking clients, this episode is not just for dog walkers. If you’re a pet sitter, dog trainer, pet groomer or dog daycare owner, you will learn some effective marketing to help you grow your pet business. You’ll also learn where to start marketing if you need more clients and why the marketing you’re doing may not be working -and how to fix it – plus a lot more!
Click to listen to Get More Clients.
Episode #98: How to Fix Many Pet Business Challenges

Stephanie is a rock star business owner who is based in Texas. She’s owned her business for a few years and, in many ways, has done a great job running it. However, due to the pandemic and other issues, she’s now got a lot of business challenges she’s dealing with and she’s at a loss for how to fix them. Stephanie is struggling to balance her team’s needs, her client needs and (last but definitely not least!) her own personal needs. On top of all of this, she’s working 60-80 hours a week and in spite of all those hours, she needs to make a lot more money!
In this rapid-fire coaching session that covers a lot of different business topics, you’ll hear me coach Stephanie through her business issues. At the end of the episode, I’ll share an update about how she’s doing now, a few weeks after this session was recorded.
If you are struggling with a lot of pet business challenges, or even just grappling with one or two issues, you won’t want to miss this episode!
Click to listen to How to Fix Many Pet Business Challenges.
Podcast #97: Automate Your Pet Business

My coaching client today is Kelsey who runs a pet grooming and dog kennel in Nevada. Kelsey is experiencing a lot of stress with employees who say they will do something but then don’t do it. She’s also struggling because she’s short staffed and is having a hard time finding quality people.
Kelsey reached out to me for a coaching session that she agreed could be recorded for the podcast. Like most pet business owners who have employees, Kelsey’s staffing issues have become magnified due to being short staffed during this pandemic and not having quality staff she can depend on. It becomes clear that automation can be her best friend with her current staff and you’ll hear the coin drop for Kelsey when she starts to realize she does have the power to change her business for the better! You’ll hear exactly how she can do that – and how you can do it too.
Click to listen to Automate Your Pet Business.
Episode #96: Where, When and How to Get Client Reviews

My coaching client today is Carly, a dog trainer, pet sitter and dog walker based in Pismo Beach, California who really wants to rocket her business to the next level. She has a lot of questions of how best to do that in a short amount of time. In this coaching session, we go over how to ask clients for online reviews, what the best review sites are for pet professionals, why being a small business can be a big benefit for her and for you right now, plus a lot more!
Carly reached out to me for a coaching session that she knew would be recorded for the podcast. Like most pet business owners, Carla’s business was negatively impacted by the pandemic and though it’s been picking up, she wants to get it doing even better than her business was doing before the pandemic. You’ll hear how she can do that – and how you can too!
Click to listen to Where, When and How to Get Client Reviews.
Podcast #95: Navigating Pet Business and Life Challenges

Due to the pandemic and other challenges, many pet business owners are experiencing hard times in their business and their lives and are not quite sure where to turn and what to do. If this is you, you’re not alone as you’ll hear in today’s episode.
Today you’ll hear as I coach Florida pet sitter and dog walker Carla M. You’ll hear the struggles that she has been navigating lately including grief and depression about the recent changes she’s experienced in her business and her life. (Thanks for sharing so vulnerably and courageously with me and with the podcast listeners, Carla.)
Carla reached out to me for a coaching session that she knew would be recorded for the podcast. Some of you may know that I’m a Best Year Yet life coach in addition to being a pet business coach. What Carla most needed in today’s session was life coaching because her personal life was where she was most struggling, as you’ll hear in this session.
Click to listen to Navigating Pet Business and Life Challenges.
Episode #94: How to Step Away from Your Pet Business

Do you struggle with how to detach from your pet business? Are you curious or frustrated about how to hire great staff?
Today’s coaching client, Kaitlin, is struggling to hire great people and step away more from her all-consuming pet business. She reached out for a pet business coaching session and agreed to have it be recorded for the podcast (thanks, Kaitlin!).
Today you’ll get to be a fly on the wall during this pet business coaching session.
Click to listen to How to Step Away from Your Pet Business.
Episode #93: The Compulsion to Overwork

Many pet business owners are reevaluating their pet business as a result of going through the pandemic.
This coaching client, Susan H. that I’m working with on today’s podcast episode, is no exception. She reached out to me for a coaching session that she knew would be recorded for the podcast. She was very drawn to a certain experience that she read about in my book How to Recover from Pet Business Burnout.
The exercise is called Active Imagination and it was developed by Carl Jung, a Swiss psychoanalyst who began using this way of working with his patients when nothing else seemed to work.
For me - and for many of my coaching clients I’ve worked with, using Active Imagination to address challenging issues has been a game changer.
An important note before you start listening: if you’ve heard other coaching sessions on this podcast, this session is very different!
Click to listen to The Compulsion to Overwork.
Episode #92: Change Your Mindset, Change Your Pet Business

During a challenging time, especially one that goes on for quite a while like you may have experienced during this pandemic (or perhaps are still experiencing), your mindset can begin to go in a downward spiral. When that happens it can be tough to pull yourself back out of that negative spin. The trick is to catch your thoughts before they go downward to a point of no return.
Today’s podcast episode will help you gain awareness so you can be in charge of your mind, rather than it being in charge of you. Listen in on this conversation I had with sales success coach and author Charlene DeCesare and you will learn empowering tips and tools to jumpstart your mindset and work with your beliefs.
Click to listen to Change Your Mindset, Change Your Pet Business.
Episode #91: How to Overcome the Stress of Success

If you are feeling stressed as we enter “business as usual” during this still-unusual time, you’re not alone. A lot of pet business owners are now inundated with clients after months of business being slow or nonexistent. Others are struggling to regroup and get motivated. Wherever you are, this podcast episode can help.
Click to listen to How to Overcome the Stress of Success.
Episode #90: How to Start, Run and Grow a Pet Business

Are you confused on how to start, run or grow your pet business – especially now after a year like no other? You won’t want to miss this episode. Kristin Morrison was interviewed on the Doggish podcast and they generously allowed her to release the episode on Prosperous Pet Business podcast.
Click to listen to How to Start, Run, and Grow a Pet Business.
Episode #89: Mastering Pet Business Email

Have you had a hard time getting back into the swing of client communication after a slow pandemic year? If so, you’re not alone and this episode will help you!
Click to listen to Mastering Pet Business Email.
Episode #88 The Journey to Pet Business Success

A lot of pet business owners have contacted me asking me how to pivot during this time, how to deal with a mindset which is veering toward the negative because of all that’s going on in the world, etc. This episode will help you with these things and so much more!
Click to listen to The Journey to Pet Business Success.
Episode #87: What's New For Pet Business Owners

My newest book is coming out on April 15, 2021 and today’s episode gives you a sneak peek to find out more about it. In this episode, you’ll also hear from pet business owners who were “early readers” of the new book. Listen as they share what their business burnout looked like, how the new book helped them recover, and how their businesses and personal lives have changed as a result of reading the new book – and how you can make profound changes too!
Click to listen to What's New For Pet Business Owners.
Episode #86: How to Redesign Your Post-Pandemic Pet Business

Have you ever used a pet business coach? If not, you’ll get a taste of what working with a business coach is like in this segment. Today you get to be a “fly on the wall” during this coaching session with Tracy, a pet business owner from South Carolina.
In this episode, pet business coach Kristin Morrison helps Tracy reassess and reconfigure her business as she goes from being really stressed and busy before the pandemic to having lots of time during the pandemic and now, as her business begins to get busier, she is exploring how to move forward in a way that works best for her and her business.
Click to listen to How to Redesign Your Post-Pandemic Pet Business.
Episode #85: Digital Minimalism

Are you feeling like your phone and computer own you instead of the other way around? If so, you’re not alone! It may be time to practice “digital minimalism” and in this episode I’ll share some tips that I use in my own life and business in order to create a healthier relationship with my phone and computer.
Click to listen to Digital Minimalism.
Episode #84: Special Announcement from Kristin Morrison and Prosperous Pet Business Podcast

Hello dear pet business owners,
I’ve never done this before but I’ve also never experienced a pandemic before, and neither have you.
I know for many of you this year has been a really ROUGH time. You may have lost a lot of clients this year as well as a lot of income. You may be at a crossroads in your business and even wondering if you could, or should, continue running your business.
Or, if you know you want to keep your pet business you might be confused about how to reconfigure and restart your business in the new year or you might be confused about how to market to get new clients, or perhaps not even know how to move forward in your business.
For those of you that are going through all of this and more:
I hear you.
I see you.
I know you're struggling.
And I want to help you.
Click to read more about the Special Announcement from Kristin Morrison and Prosperous Pet Business Podcast.
Podcast #83: How To Take Your Pet Business To The Next Level

A few weeks before the pandemic happened, Collin Funkhouser from Pet Sitter Confessional interviewed me for his podcast. This is that interview.
He asked a lot of great questions and really picked my brain about what it takes to run a pet business and how to take your business to the next level. I want to thank him and Pet Sitter Confessional for allowing me to release this episode here for you today. Enjoy! Listen to How To Take Your Pet Business To The Next Level.
Podcast #82: Redefining Prosperity in the Midst of a Pandemic

Have you and your pet business struggled financially or emotionally during the pandemic? If so, you’re not alone.
I recently gave a keynote talk addressing the struggle many are currently going through, as well as the antidote to the struggle, to the attendees of the Pet Boarding and Daycare Expo.
I was originally hired to give this talk to expo attendees in-person in Hershey, Pennsylvania but, well, the pandemic is still happening so the expo went online. This episode is the audio from my Zoom keynote.
This episode is longer than usual so you may want to grab a glass of something delicious and relax on your sofa - or put on those headphones of yours and go for a walk. Click to listen to Redefining Pet Business Prosperity in the Midst of a Pandemic.
Podcast #81: How to Resolve Conflict with Pet Business Clients, Staff, Family and Friends

No matter who you are or how long you’ve been in business, if you own a pet business you are bound to experience conflict with your clients or staff members at some point. Oy! And let’s face it, if you are dealing with people (and especially the public), it’s not a question of “if”, it’s a matter of “when” that conflict will arise. So sit down, relax and dive into this segment so you’ll be better prepared when your inevitable communication conflicts arise.
There are sure-fire ways to more easily deal with conflict. Master communication coach and mediator John Kinyon shares solid tips to do just that in today’s podcast episode. Click to listen to the podcast episode How to Resolve Conflict with Pet Business Clients, Staff, Family and Friends.
Podcast #80: The Unexpected Power of Using Snail Mail to Gain New Pet Biz Clients

Think snail mail is dead? So do your competitors!
However, savvy business owners out there realize it’s still very much a vital part of a strong marketing campaign.
Because few (if any) of your competitors are using snail mail marketing, you’ll be sure to stand out even more.
I encourage you to open your mind to what some consider an old fashioned way of marketing.
After listening to this episode with mail marketing ninja Trish Witkowski you’ll realize that snail mail is actually one of the most progressive ways these days to grow your business!
Click to listen to the episode The Unexpected Power of Using Snail Mail to Gain New Pet Biz Clients.
Podcast #79: The Pet Business Coach’s #1 Hack for Productivity and Procrastination-Busting

During the Spring of 2020, like most of us, I was rattling around in my home, sheltering in place while being stunned on a daily basis by what was happening in the world as a result of the pandemic.
For awhile I needed to just rest in order to process what was happening but after awhile, I wanted to get back to being my productive self and start checking things off my to do list again.
However, I had a hard time generating motivation (which is not at all like me). Thankfully, I found an app that shifted everything and has been a powerful game changer in both my personal and professional life. I’m so excited to share this “hack” with you today – and bonus: what I’m sharing about in this episode will enable you to connect with pet business owners from all over the world, in addition to supporting you to take care of business in an easy and relaxed way.
Click to listen to the The Pet Business Coach’s #1 Hack for Productivity and Procrastination-Busting.
Podcast #78: How to Write Web Copy That Attracts Your Ideal Clients

Words are powerful. And when they are powerfully and intentionally written on a website words can also help you get great clients.
Rewriting your web copy is an action you take now if your business is slow (or even if it’s not slow). If you want to attract ideal clients to you from simply changing the words on your website, you’ll want to listen to this segment.
Katie Mehas is a wordsmith of the highest order and she’s also skilled at clearly explaining what works (and what really doesn’t) when it comes to website copy.
Click to listen to the How to Write Web Copy that Attracts Your Ideal Pet Business Clients.
Podcast #77: Crossing the Bridge with Hedy Schleifer: Using Compassionate Communication with Clients, Staff and Family Members

When tension is present and one person is upset, our natural reaction is often to meet that person where they are (in an angry place).
Hedy’s life work is all about disarming that natural inclination and bringing the conversation back to connection which Hedy calls a “habit of the heart”.
When you can master this way of dealing with challenging communication, you can have a meaningful connection with even the most shut down, angry client, family member or stranger.
Click to listen to the Crossing the Bridge with Hedy Schleifer: Using Compassionate Communication with Clients, Staff and Family Members.
Podcast #76: The Pet Business Coach Answers Listener Questions

Have you ever used a pet business coach? If not, you’ll get a taste of what working with a business coach is like.
In this episode, pet business coach Kristin Morrison helps pet business owners navigate challenges they are experiencing in their businesses.
Whether you are new to the world of pet business or have owned your pet business for years, you’ll gain insight from hearing real world problems that pet business owners like you face – and the answers to those problems and challenges! If you are grappling with something intense in your pet business (as a lot of these pet business owners were), don’t worry: there is hope!
Please note: these mini-coaching sessions with Kristin were recorded on a Facebook LIVE in 2017 (long before the pandemic!) but much of what is discussed in this episode is applicable and relevant for today’s listeners!
Click to listen to the The Pet Business Coach Answers Listener Questions.
Podcast #75: Interview with Tara Gentile: The Art of Earning – Even in a Slump

Do you want to make more money but your efforts to generate more haven’t been working (especially during the pandemic)? Are you having a hard time breaking through the earning plateau that you’ve been in for awhile?
In this interview with Tara Gentile you will learn empowering tips and tools to jumpstart your money-making ability. Earning money can be fun and easy and Tara is here to show you how to take your earning to the next level.
Please note: this interview with Tara was recorded in 2017 (long before the pandemic!) but much of what is discussed is applicable and relevant; especially regarding working with the money mindset.
Click to listen to the Interview with Tara Gentile: The Art of Earning – Even in a Slump.
Podcast #74: Free Resources for Comfort, Renewal and Relief for Pet Business Owners

This is a challenging time on so many levels. If we’re not taking care of our body, mind and spirit then our business suffers and so does our personal life, as well as our quality of life.
In today’s episode I’m going to share some powerful resources that have helped ground and center me the last few weeks in the midst of this pandemic hurricane. Most of the resources I mention are totally free - and if they are not free, they are donation-based or very low-cost.
If you’re feeling stressed or anxious in this moment or about the future, I invite you to sit back, relax and open up your mind to the possibility that there could be some relief out there for you. These resources I am sharing with you today have brought me a lot of peace and serenity and I hope that one -or all of them- will bring you comfort, relief and renewal too.
Click to listen to Free Self Care Resources for Stressed and Anxious Pet Business Owners.
Podcast #73: A Candid Conversation about Racism with Pet Professionals

Dear Podcast Listeners,
Here’s the truth: it felt very vulnerable for all of us on today’s episode to have this conversation about this difficult topic.
You’ll hear from each of the guests about what caused them to feel vulnerable about coming on the podcast and talking about this subject.
My vulnerability came from being afraid I’d mistakenly ask my guests an inappropriate question or perhaps even offend one of them with something I’d ask or say, because I may not know the “right” thing to ask or say when it comes to race.
Podcast #72: 30-Day Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Business Challenge

I’ve had a lot of pet business owners email me with questions about the 30-Day Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Business Challenge that is happening in June 2020 and today I’m answering those questions!
Pet business owners from all over the world are attending, including pet sitters, dog trainers, pet groomers, dog daycare owners, and dog walkers.
If you’re even a little bit curious about what this Challenge is about, I encourage you to grab of a cup of something or stick your headphones in and take a walk and see if this course resonates with you!
If it does, I look forward to supporting you in June.
Click to listen to 30-Day Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Business Challenge.
Podcast #71: Mining the Gold During This Time

Hi pet business owners, I don’t know about you but I’ve been doing my best to mine the gold during this slow down time.
At this point I’ve been in sheltering in place for 7 weeks.
What used to feel strange has begun to feel somewhat normal and what used to be normal has begun to feel somewhat strange. It’s an odd time, isn’t it?
In today’s episode you’ll hear how I’m mining the gold of this slow down time as well as some other things I wanted to share with you today. I wish you well as we continue to be alone, together.
Click to listen to Mining the Gold During This Time.
Podcast #70: Interview with Kristin Morrison: How to Turn Your Dream Into Reality

Alain Guilliot is a French Canadian podcaster and I was recently interviewed on his show. He was curious about how I turned my dreams into reality. In addition to airing that interview on his own podcast, he generously permitted me to share the interview with you listeners on this podcast.
Click to listen to Interview with Kristin Morrison: How to Turn Your Dream Into Reality.
Podcast #69: COVID-19 Financial Aid for Pet Business Owners

I’ve had a lot of you ask me about how to go abound getting financial aid during this time, including: unemployment, grants, and “forgivable” loans.
Here’s some information on how to navigate that process as well as other tips to stay mentally and emotionally healthy during this challenging time.
Click to listen to COVID-19 Financial Aid for Pet Business Owners.
Podcast #68: COVID-19: An Open, Honest and Inspiring Conversation with Pet Business Owners

I recently recorded a conversation with five pet business owners who are experiencing the personal and professional affects from COVID-19. Here’s that conversation.
I’m grateful to these wonderful women who shared their experience, strength and hope for this podcast segment. Thanks to Katie Ballard, Madeline Byrd, Jennifer Morrone, Brigid Wasson and Cara Brockman.
Click to listen to An Open, Honest and Inspiring Conversation with Pet Business Owners.
Podcast #67: COVID-19: Pet Business Owner Support

Hello pet business owners! I’m popping in to share some business support tools to help you deal with COVID-19.
It’s a challenging time and I’m hoping that these emotional and financial tools will give you some comfort from my “21-day lockdown” home in California to wherever you at in the world.
Sending you a big hug. I hope you can feel it. We will get through this, together.
Click to listen to COVID-19: Pet Business Owner Support.
Podcast #66: Jeanette Schneider Interviews Kristin Morrison For On Gold Podcast

I was recently interviewed by podcast host Jeanette Schneider for her On Gold podcast. Jeannette generously gave me permission to share this episode that originally aired on her podcast. This is a very unusual podcast episode for me to share with you because, though it is about my business journey, the interview also focuses on my personal life including what needed to shift internally for me to find and marry my husband and what happened before I found my dream home that my husband and I recently bought.
Here’s what Jeanette wrote about this segment for her On Gold podcast listeners: “Kristin Morrison went from writing “I wish I could get paid to walk a dog” in her journal, to launching her own million-dollar pet business — recently featured in MarketWatch, New York Post and a TV interview with Yahoo Finance.
A master manifestor, Kristin not only manifested her business, she also manifested her husband and her home. She is proof that intention, self awareness, and a little bit of Universal magic, pay off in big, beautiful ways.
She now shares her business insight with thousands of clients through her books, online courses, and podcast, “Prosperous Pet Business."
Kristin is the Founder of Six-Figure Pet Business Academy, a program she started in 2010 for service-based pet business owners including pet sitters, dog walkers, dog trainers, pet groomers, and dog daycare owners. In 2012, Kristin became a certified “Best Year Yet” coach, and created Best Year Coaching, a company that helps individuals from all walks of life and professions, plan and achieve their dream life list, from their personal goals to their business goals.
Today Kristin and I dig into the value of patience, the grind of entrepreneurship, and how in the world she manifested the man of her dreams and her new home. Let's dig in.”
Click to listen to Jeanette Schneider Interviews Kristin Morrison For On Gold Podcast.
Podcast #65: Coronavirus: What You Can Do To Prepare Your Pet Business

You'd have to be living under a rock to not have heard about the coronavirus...
The fear of coronavirus is widespread and I don’t want to feed upon that fear however, there are a number of pet business owners who are experiencing the effects of the coronavirus due to their clients suddenly cancelling travel plans or mid-day dog walk clients who are now working from home.
In today’s podcast, you’ll discover five action steps you can take today to prepare your business for an emergency, whether that emergency be coronavirus-related or another type of emergency.
Click to listen to Coronavirus: What You Can Do To Prepare Your Pet Business.
Podcast #64: Interview with George Kao – How to Master Time Management in Your Pet Business and Your Life

Do you feel like you are always racing against the clock to care for your clients, your family and yourself? If so, you are not alone. So many pet business owners struggle with time management. In this segment, we’ll help you master your time so that you can have more ease and (yes!) feel more empowered in your pet business and your life. Get out your notebook and paper because, I promise, you’ll want to take notes during this segment.
In this segment you will learn about the concept of Time Placeholders and how they can be the key to spending your time wisely, how to stop feeling overwhelmed and actually get the important things done, how to prevent scattered notes and wasted time, how Time Logging can sharpen your awareness of your most important resource, explore how to create wiser rhythms of renewal in your life so that running your business becomes more joyful and sustainable for you, and much more!
Click to listen to Interview with George Kao – How to Master Time Management in Your Pet Business and Your Life.
Podcast #63: Interview with Victoria Stilwell: How to Work with Pets and Their People

There is a common thread that occurs for most dog trainers, dog walkers and pet sitters and that is having to deal with the varied pet challenges that arise in a given day. It is rarely about just walking, sitting or training a dog. Inevitably there are some tricky situations that arise during the course of a pet professional’s day. In this segment, Victoria addresses some of the common situations that may arise so you can hit the ground running after watching this segment (and perhaps you can even turn your clients on to some new ways of dealing with their existing pet problems too).
In this segment you will learn tips to help your clients determine what dog breed would be a good fit, how pet professionals can most effectively work with shy dogs, how to introduce a cat into a dog and human household, the best equipment and tools to use for strong dogs who pull on a leash, whether it’s really possible for an old dog to learn new tricks, plus a lot more!
Please note: This interview with Victoria was recorded using the highest quality recording software available. In spite of that, you may notice some small audio glitches. The information she shares will be worth these glitches. Thank you for your understanding!
Click to listen to Interview with Victoria Stilwell: How to Work with Pets and Their People.
Podcast #62: The Power of a Healthy Lifestyle

In this episode, I talk about the importance of a healthy lifestyle and how it can not only support you, but can support your business too.
You’ll also hear about the keynote I’m giving at a pet business conference in Burbank, California on April 27, 2020 -and how you can get on my guest list to come hear me for free!
Click to listen to The Power of a Healthy Lifestyle.
Podcast #61: Steps to Hiring Mastery for Pet Business Owners

In this episode, Shane Whelan, podcast host of Carrying the Fire recently interviewed me, Kristin Morrison, for his podcast and generously gave permission to also share this interview with you Prosperous Pet Business podcast listeners.
This focus of this interview is on hiring and how to master the art of hiring well. I had a lot of practice learning how to hire good people: in the course of running my own pet business, I hired over 250 pet sitters and dog walkers to work for my company.
Click to listen to Steps to Hiring Mastery for Pet Business Owners.
Episode #60: Living Your Authentic Truth in Business and Your Life

Podcaster and life coach Gurds Hundal hosts the Inner Light Project podcast and she recently interviewed me for her podcast and generously gave me permission to also share this interview with you listeners.
This may be a (very!) different interview than you’re used to with me and because of that, I wanted to share it with you. I was working with a coaching client and we were talking about the importance of having values in business and life. She asked me what qualities I want to “live into” in 2020 and without thinking, I told her: ‘authenticity, vulnerability and inspiration’.
It’s my hope that you experience me living into all three of these qualities in this interview!
Click to listen to Living Your Authentic Truth in Business and Your Life.
Episode #59: How to Practice Self Care: Interview with Jen Louden

I’m so excited about my very special guest for today’s podcast episode. Jen Louden is known as the “Self Care Queen” and today she’s going to share how busy pet business owners can nurture and soothe themselves during times of high stress and a full schedule of caring for others. Jen was interviewed on Oprah and now she’s here to teach you how to get your self care groove on!
Turn up the volume; Jen’s got some wise and important words to share with you today.
Click to listen to How to Practice Self Care: Interview with Jen Louden.
Episode #58: How to Outsmart Your Smartphone

I’m excited for you to hear this episode because today’s guest is the author of the bestselling book Outsmart Your Smartphone. Technology can be a blessing and a curse and for pet business owners who rely heavily on their phone to run the business, the phone can cause a lot of angst because we can feel so leashed to it!
Dr. Davis is a technology expert and today you’ll hear some of her valuable tips about how to disengage with your smart phone without having to do a digital detox (which is often impossible for busy pet business owners).
Click to listen to How to Outsmart Your Smartphone.
Episode #57: Pet Business Owner Questions

It’s a brand new year and a brand new Prosperous Pet Business podcast season! A pet business owner sent Kristin Morrison an audio message with some business questions and you’ll hear Kristin’s answer on today’s episode.
Also, opportunities to meet Kristin are coming up in 3 California cities. Listen to Pet Business Owner Questions.
Episode #56: Interview with Kristin Morrison on the TV Show “CEO Money”

Kristin Morrison was recently interviewed on the TV show “CEO Money” and today’s podcast segment includes that interview as well as some Prosperous Pet Business podcast updates.
Click to find out more and to listen to the Interview with Kristin Morrison on the TV Show “CEO Money”.
Episode #55: Kristin Morrison Interview on Spark Podcast: Reversing a Negative Mindset

Your mindset, including your negative and positive beliefs, influence what shows up in your life and your business. Psychoanalyst Jung said that the inner always reflects the outer and pet business coach Kristin Morrison has found that to be true in her own life and business journey.
In this podcast episode Kristin shares how she worked through her own limiting beliefs to create a life and business she loves – and how you can too. It all starts with the mind. Buckle your seatbelts: the inner journey to create your own life-changing shift begins here.
Also, I’ve got a brand new online course coming up and you’ll hear about it on today’s podcast.
Click to listen more to: Kristin Morrison Interview on Spark Podcast: Reversing a Negative Mindset
Episode #54: 30-Day Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Business Challenge – Plus Reader Questions

Today you’ll hear me answer a reader’s questions. If you have a pet business question you’d like me to answer on the podcast, record an audio memo (email to send it to is in the clickable link below) and I may pick yours to answer in the next podcast episode.
Also, I have some live, in-person events coming up! I’ll be in Scottsdale, Arizona in November 2019 for the Day of the Dog festival and I’ll be speaking and signing books in the Bay Area, California in February 2020. Scroll below to find out more about these events.
Also, I’ve got a brand new online course coming up and you’ll hear about it on today’s podcast.
Click to find out more and to listen to 30-Day Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Challenge – Plus Reader Questions.
Episode #53: News About Six-Figure Pet Business!

Hi wonderful listeners! Six-Figure Pet Business Academy has been in the news lately and I wanted to share about it and some more personal notes about what it’s been like to experience this recent publicity.
Also, I’m going to be in New York City soon and I’d love to meet you while I’m there. Details and location are in the podcast and in the show notes. Hope to see you! Click to listen to News about Six-Figure Pet Business!
Episode #52: It's Finally Here!

My newest book just got released TODAY. Here’s how to find out more about it and get it.
Click to listen to It's Finally Here!
Episode #51: Something New is Here!

Hi pet business owners! I’ve got something exciting to share with you, something that is brand new (even though what inspired it is not brand new) so click play so you can hear all about it.
Click to listen to Something New is Here!