Prosperous Pet Business Podcast

Episode #100: Podcast Coaching Updates

The podcast is 100 today! 

To celebrate this special 100th episode, I invited the pet business owners I coached on the last 7 episodes to be on the podcast.

Today you’ll hear 5 of those 7 pet business owners share what actions they took after they got coached by me on the podcast and where they are at now in their businesses and personal lives. (The two who couldn’t make it for today’s episode really wanted to be part of it, but one had COVID and the other had internet issues.)

A heartfelt and very special thank you to the pet business owners who are on today’s episode:

Susan Hurst from Susan Sits Pets (Episode 93: The Compulsion to Overwork)

Kaitlyn Argiro from Pawsitivity Pet Services (Episode 94: How to Step Away from Your Pet Business)

Carly Neufeld from Cute Critter Care (Episode 96: Where, When and How to Get Client Reviews)

Kelsey Olsen from Kelsey’s Groom Shop and Boarding (Episode 97: Automate Your Business)

Stephanie Hickey from Bossy Paws Pet Sitters (Episode 98: How to Fix Many Pet Business Challenges)

Please note:

A note about this episode’s sponsor: We only allow podcast sponsors we 100% believe in and Pet Sitters Associates (PSA) is one of our reputable sponsors. Save $15 on Pet Sitters Associates pet business insurance by using the promo code PODCAST at checkout:

Apply what you're learning on the podcast with online courses that help you start and grow your pet business.

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