Prosperous Pet Business Podcast
Episode #50: Update From Prosperous Pet Business

I’ve got some exiting news to share with you and some updates. Tune in to this episode of the Prosperous Pet Business podcast to find out more. Click to listen to Update From Prosperous Pet Business.
Podcast #49: Setting Up the Pet Business for Extended Time Off

Today’s coaching session: Nikki and her wife Stef own a dog running / dog walking business in Canada. They’ve had their pet business for 3 years and have 15 people working for them – and they need to hire a lot more given the demand for the service they are providing!
They love running their business and they want to travel and have booked a 4.5 week trip to Australia in November. Nikki wants help figuring out how to go about getting the staff they need so they can step away from their pet business for an extended period of time. Click to listen to Setting Up the Pet Business for Extended Time Off.
Podcast #48: Free Marketing that Works for Pet Business Owners

Today’s coaching session: Katie lives in Colorado and has had her dog hiking and dog boarding business for nearly 2 years. She’s feeling a bit discouraged because she’s tried lots of different ways to marketing but not much is working. Katie’s only getting one new client every month or two and she needs help coming up with other marketing strategies that are low-cost or free since she’s tried some marketing streams that have been expensive and haven’t worked at all. Click to listen to Free Marketing that Works for Pet Business Owners.
Podcast #47: Making Big Pet Business (and Life) Changes

Lisa is thinking about going to grad school but her pet business has consumed her life and she knows before she can even consider going back to school, she needs to run her business in a new way so that she can create some mental and physical space in order to even make her decision. She doesn’t want to let her business go nor does she want to sell it but she does want to have more time and energy to pursue her other loves in life as well as gain clarity on her next right step. Click to listen to Making Big Pet Business (and Life) Changes.
Podcast #46: Interview with Kristin Morrison

This week I’m shaking things up and releasing a segment that is an interview with me rather than a coaching session. In today’s segment Mary Oberdier from Pet Edu interviews me about what it was like to start and grow my business and asks me to share more about my newest book. I’ll be back on the next segment with a coaching client session. Happy listening! Click to listen to Interview with Kristin Morrison.
Podcast #45: Creating Space in the Pet Business to Start a New Life

The coaching client: Jill has had her pet sitting and dog walking business for over five years and she just hired a couple of great employees to help her with the pet services. Now her main focus is to make space in her business in order to have a baby. She’s currently providing about 60% of the services and her current employees cover about 40%. Within the next 10 months she’d like to have staff cover all of the pet services that she currently covers. She’s confused on how many people she should hire to replace her and how to begin to step away from the business in order to create a new life (literally and figuratively!) Click to listen to Creating Space in the Pet Business to Start a New Life.
Podcast #44: Adding a New Service

The coaching client: Kayla has had her home-based dog boarding and dog daycare business for over 15 years. She is excited about wanting to add the new service of “daytime dog adventures and field trips” but she’s confused about how to even create a bit of time in her always busy days to begin offering this service.
Kayla knows she wants to hire someone to help with the dog boarding and daycare but because she’s been doing that business for so many years and could do it in her sleep she has no idea even what she does or how she does it so training someone new feels overwhelming. On top of this, she feels exhausted from working so many hours a day so the thought of having to expend more energy to find someone feels draining to her. Click to listen to Adding a New Service.
Podcast #43: Working Too Much

The coaching client: Jesse is a pet sitter and dog walker who started her pet business a little over 5 years ago. She has 10 dog walkers and pet sitters who work for her. Even though she’s got a lot of people working for her she finds that she’s somehow working too much!
On top of that, Jesse is taking her first vacation since having hired staff and her vacation is in 2 weeks – so she needs to get someone lined up right away to help her with the phone and emails so she doesn’t have to bring her work with her to the remote island where she’ll be vacationing. (Working on vacation = buzzkill!) Click to listen to Working Too Much.
Podcast #42: Finding Your Pet Business Sweet Spot

Kristin announces her newest book and you can pre-order it starting today! (You’ll find out more and get to the pre-order page by clicking the podcast link below.)
Today’s coaching client: Michelle started her pet business in 2016 and didn’t expect it to become a full-time business but it grew organically and the business eventually grew organically to be a full time business. It felt right to only run her pet business and she just went for it! She loves her business but is finding it hard to focus on the tasks she especially loves to do to grow her business – especially the networking side of it.
Unlike many of the pet business owners that I’ve coached, because Michelle has connected with so many of the local pet business owners she does not suffer from the isolation that sometimes occurs for pet care providers and in fact, she wants to put more of her time and energy into networking but is finding it difficult since she’s working so much each day. She feels confused on where to begin to free up some of her time in order to give more energy to those tasks that are in her zone of genius or her “sweet spot”. Click to listen to Finding Your Pet Business Sweet Spot.
Podcast #41: Getting Clients Is NOT the Problem for this Dog Walker

Alexis has had her pet sitting and dog walking business for 10 years. She has a very easy time attracting clients but is having a really hard time finding good staff members, which is causing her business to not be as successful as she’d like to be. And because Alexis doesn’t have enough staff, she is also suffering from business burnout because she’s having to step in as the emergency back up. Click to listen to Getting Clients Is Not the Problem for this Dog Walker
Podcast #40: Hiring PTSD

New Jersey pet sitter and dog walker Liz has PTSD when it comes to hiring a manager. She had a really bad experience with her previous manager and, understandably, it has made her afraid to take a risk and hire another manager.
Liz is also is having a hard time finding and keeping pet sitters and dog walkers because, like most pet sitters, she’s got a highly-developed “caretaker” nature which is great for clients and pets but it’s impacting her ability to manage her staff. Click to listen to Hiring PTSD
Podcast #39: Getting Unstuck

Those of you who are new to pet sitting or dog walking may think that you’ll know exactly what you need to do and when if you’ve been in business for awhile but sometimes being in business for a long time brings its own set of challenges.
Today we’re going to talk about some of those challenges and how to move beyond to get to the other side. Click to listen to Getting Unstuck
Podcast #38: Making a Big Change

The scenario: Barbara is feeling confused about how to move forward. She lives in a rural area that is spread out and she works full-time in a 9-5 job while also trying to grow her pet sitting business. Barbara’s had her business for 18 years but it’s been more of a hobby and now she wants to turn it into a full-time (and more professional) business.
Click to listen to Making a Big Change
Podcast #37: Moving Forward

It’s season three of the podcast and Prosperous Pet Business has something brand new for this season!
If you haven’t already heard, starting today and every other Wednesday going forward for the next few months, you get to be a fly on the wall and listen and learn as pet business coach Kristin Morrison does 30 to 45-minute coaching sessions with a pet business owner who is struggling with challenges in their pet sitting, dog walking, dog training and other service-based pet businesses. Even if you can’t relate to the challenges, you may find help and relief from some of the answers.
Click to listen to Moving Forward.
Podcast #36: What’s Coming Up Next for the Podcast

I’m going to be shaking things up on the podcast starting with the next episode. There’s something new coming and I think you’re going to like it.
In today’s episode, I share what’s coming and how the podcast will be different next season, how you can participate in what’s coming (woo!), and why I think the next season will be helpful for you and for those who are going to be a part of it. (Listen to find out what the heck I’m talking about.)
Curious? Click to find out more about What’s Coming Up Next for the Podcast.
Episode #35: Jumpstart into the New Year.

It’s the holiday time which can lead to a lot of burnout, especially for pet sitters and dog walkers. In today’s segment I share why now, even if you are feeling crispy-fried, it’s a great time to vision and get intentional about what you want to create in the new year.
Click to find out more and to listen to Jumpstart into the New Year.
Episode #34: Removing the Inner Blocks That Keep You Stuck

A few years into my pet business, I had what most would define as success: lots of staff and clients - but it wasn’t my version of success. In today’s segment I share some of the personal journey that I went on to remove the inner blocks that kept me from making money and creating my definition of success and how you can too!
You may find this segment a bit more personally revealing than I usually share in my podcast episodes but, after giving a similar talk to a local book store a few weeks back and having it be so well-received, I felt inspired to share it with you. I hope you enjoy it and that hearing about my journey helps you remove your own inner blocks.
Click to find out more and to listen to Removing the Inner Blocks That Keep You Stuck.
Episode #33: Are You In? The Pet Business Online Conference is Coming!

The FREE Prosperous Pet Business Online Conference is coming. Are you signed up yet? Come join me and pet business owners from around the world! Here’s some information about it. Click to find out more and to listen to The Pet Business Conference.
Episode #32: Interview with Andrea Arden: Secrets Every Pet Business Owner Should Know

Are you feeling challenged by the big and little details in your pet business? Want to discover some tools for making your business (and your life) run more smoothly? If so, this is the interview to watch. Andrea also shares her top three secrets for pet business success, so you and your business can hit the ground running!
Click to find out more and to listen to Andrea Arden: Secrets Every Pet Business Owner Should Know.
Episode 31: The Power of a Well-Crafted Morning Routine

Before I had an established morning routine practice, I used to fly out of bed in the morning, grab my tea or coffee and get to work! But… then I realized that I needed to be deliberate and intentional when I started my day in order to set myself up for success. Taking specific actions in the morning has helped me so much personally and professionally, so I wanted to share more about my morning routine with you today.
Click to find out more and to listen to The Power of a Well-Crafted Morning Routine.
Episode 30: The Courage To Rest

In today’s segment we’ll explore rest – and having the courage to take some time off. Many pet business owners have a hard time resting because they are busy “hustling” and when they finally stop the hustle, fear can come up or feelings they’ve shoved down while they were busy inevitably come to the surface.
If you are feeling weary or you need some encouragement to rest, here’s your permission slip. Come sit down, close your eyes and take a breather. You deserve it!
Click to find out more and listen to The Courage To Rest
Episode 29: Time Management

In today’s segment I share about some in-person bookstore talks/book signings that I’ll soon be doing for the release of my new pet business book that comes out this month. The scheduled book events so far are in the Bay Area, California and in Hawaii - and there will be more book store events announced soon. You’ll also find out about the exciting “anytime access” pet business course that is available for all service-based pet business owners!
Then we’ll dive into time management. Time management is a skill that many pet business owners grapple with on a regular basis. I know because when I posed the question to my Facebook group, ‘What are you struggling with in your pet business right now?’, a lot of pet business owners wrote that they were challenged by time management issues.
Also, I'll be sharing some time management tips that I have successfully used in my own business and my life. There’s so much to cover on the topic of time management that I could spend hours talking about this subject, but this episode will at least get you off to a good running start when it comes to wrangling your schedule and gaining some control over your time.
Click to find out more and listen to Time Management
Episode 28: 9 Quick and Easy Ways To Find Calm When You’re Stressed

Today is all about chilling out and getting your calm on. These are time-tested methods I’ve used in my own life when the poop hits the fan (or I’m frazzled); my coaching clients have also had good success with these suggestions.
Try one or more of these methods and let me know if they work for you too!
Click to find out more and listen to 9 Quick and Easy Ways To Find Calm When You're Stressed
Episode 27: Interview with SARK: How to Get the Spark Back In Your Pet Business

On today’s episode, I share about my recent amazing “money miracle” and how you can begin setting the stage to create your own money miracles. This process also works if you need to shift your energy when you feel crabby or overwhelmed by life and work.
And I’m excited to share Sark’s episode with you. Does running your pet business feel like the “same old thing” lately? Do you feel stressed out all the time with the many business tasks you have on your plate? Have you lost the joy and spark that you had when you first started your business? If so, you are not alone.
Click to find out more and to listen to Interview with SARK: How to Get The Spark Back In Your Pet Business.
Episode 26: Focus On Your Goals, Watch Them Happen

The podcast is back and I’m going to tell you about my plan for the podcast going forward. Also, this segment contains a lot of goal-setting methods I’ve learned over the years to help me accomplish my goals; even ones that seem impossible. A lot of my coaching clients have found these tips very helpful too!
Click to listen to the podcast episode Focus On Your Goals, Watch Them Happen.
Episode 25: Updates From Prosperous Pet Business

There’s a lot going on around here at Prosperous Pet Business and I’m excited to tell you all about it! First, an update from me. Why have I been so quiet on the podcast front? You’ll find out in this segment.
Click to find out more and to listen to the Updates from Prosperous Pet Business.
Episode 24: The Next 12 Months: Plan Your Work, Work Your Plan

Do you have a business and a life plan for this year? Not having a plan can be like steering a ship without a rudder. If you run your business without looking at the overall vision of what you most want to create or if you don’t write down a plan to create those goals, you probably won’t create it. If you want to learn an easy way to create a 12-month business and life plan, you won’t want to miss this episode.
In this segment, pet business coach Kristin Morrison shares her step-by-step easy goal setting and plan which will help you get clear about your next 12 months.
Click to find out more and to listen to the Plan Your Work, Work Your Plan.
Episode 23: Wayne Pacelle: Creating a Humane Economy

What would your pet business be like if your values were in alignment with your business practices? According to Wayne Pacelle (and some of the big businesses today), you can make more money and attract more clients when your business practices are in alignment with what’s good for animals. The tide is turning in business and (horray!) doing good is really good for business!
Click to find out more and to listen to the Wayne Pacelle on How to Create a Humane Economy.
Episode 22: Use the Millionaire Mindset To Create Success in Your Business - And Your Life

Want to make more money? So did Marc Allen. In this segment, he shares his journey from pauper to multi-millionaire in a frank and vulnerable way. Listen as he shares his empowering story about how he made more money with ease and how you can too. Making more money can be (and according to Marc, should be) fun.
Click to find out more and to listen to the Millionaire Mindset To Create Pet Business Success.
Episode 21: How To Thrive in Your Pet Business (And In Your Life)

A lot of pet business owners are struggling with various aspects of their pet business. They want to thrive in business but don’t know how. This episode gives you a taste of what thriving can look and feel like in your pet business. If you are a pet business owner who wants to learn about the inner workings of some non-traditional methods of business building, you’ll want to watch this segment!
Click to find out more and to listen to the How to Thrive In Your Pet Business.
Episode 20: Kristin Morrison Interviews Patti Moran: How to Create a Profitable and Empowered Pet Business

There’s one word that will set you FREE in your pet business, and Patti is here to share what that one word is. You’ll also learn about the various big and little mistakes that business owners make, and (thank goodness) how to avoid making them. (We can all use some advice from someone who “gets it,” right?) Well, after years of being at the forefront in the pet industry, Patti does! Pull up a chair, get comfortable, and let’s show you how to make your pet business ultra-profitable and empowered!
Click to find out more and to listen to the Patti Moran: How to Create a Profitable and Empowered Pet Business.
Episode 19: Six Habits To Cultivate To Create a Healthy Pet Business and Life

There are some crucial daily habits that, once implemented on a regular basis, can move you powerfully forward in business and life. Most people begin to implement new habits in the new year but regardless of when you are listening to this episode, you can begin to make profound changes today. Permanent change starts with beginning a new habit and these habits will help you manage your business and your life in an empowered way.
Click to find out more and to listen to the Six Habits To Cultivate To Create a Healthy Pet Business and Life .
Episode #18: Q & A with the Pet Business Coach: Part Two

Are you having some challenges in your pet sitting or dog walking or dog training business?
In this dynamic and interactive open forum you will hear dog trainers, pet sitters and dog walkers from around the world getting coached by pet business coach Kristin Morrison.
If you are a pet business owner you will find this Q & A coaching session compelling, supportive, and ultra-informative. This was an hour-long live coaching session and this segment is the second half of that session.
At the end of this Q and A pet business coaching session you will be armed with a wealth of information to take back to your own pet business. You’ll have a great time listening to pet business owners from across the world who share about the challenges that pet sitting business owners face each and every day and the solutions that pet business coach Kristin gives to help solve them.
Click to find out more and to listen to the Q & A with the Pet Business Coach.
Episode #17: Q & A with the Pet Business Coach

Got challenges you are struggling with in your pet sitting or dog walking or dog training business?
In this dynamic and interactive open forum you will hear dog trainers, pet sitters and dog walkers from around the world getting coached by pet business coach Kristin Morrison.
If you are a pet business owner you will find this Q & A coaching session compelling, supportive, and ultra-informative. This was an hour-long live coaching session and this segment is half of that session. Keep a look out for part 2 of Ask the Pet Business Coach next week!
At the end of this Q and A session you will be armed with a wealth of information to take back to your own pet business. You’ll have a great time listening to pet business from across the world share about the challenges that pet sitting business owners face each and every day and the solutions that Kristin gives to help solve them.
Click to find out more and to listen to the Q & A with the Pet Business Coach.
Episode #16: What's New At Prosperous Pet Business Conference

There are many exciting things that are happening at Prosperous Pet Business! In this episode I share with you what you won’t want to miss including the upcoming Prosperous Pet Business Online Conference. It’s happening soon!
Click to find out more and to listen to the What's New At Prosperous Pet Business.
Episode #15: Update From Prosperous Pet Business

I’ve got some exiting news to share with you and some updates. Tune in to this episode of the Prosperous Pet Business podcast to find out more.
Click to find out more and to listen to the Update From Prosperous Pet Business.
Episode #14: Interview with Kristin Morrison: Secrets of Six-Figure Pet Sitting

Do you have a pet sitting and dog walking business or you want to start one?
A few years ago dog trainer Michelle Huntting interviewed Kristin Morrison for her radio show on the topic of creating pet sitting and dog walking success.
Whether you are thinking about starting a pet sitting or dog walking business or you’ve been pet sitting and dog walking for years and want to learn some new business tips, you’ll want to listen to this interview.
Click to find out more and to listen to the Interview with Kristin Morrison: Secrets of Six-Figure Pet Sitting.
Episode #13: Interview With Sheira Kahn: What Having a Baby at Age 50 Can Teach Pet Business Owners About Going After Dreams

Two years ago I posted a message on Facebook about my friend Sheira Kahn who gave birth for the first time at age 50. That post got so many comments from pet business owners who compared Sheira’s challenging journey to how they might be able to persevere and go after their own business and personal dreams.
Sheira’s journey to realizing her dream wasn’t an easy one and yet she kept putting one foot in front of the other in order to make her most cherished dream a reality.
This episode is for those of you who are struggling with being stuck or stopped in going after your business or personal dreams because what you are wanting seems impossible.
Click to find out more and to listen to the Interview With Sheira Kahn.
Episode #12: Ask The Pet Business Coach: Part Two

Got challenges you are struggling with in your dog training, pet sitting, dog walking, pet grooming or doggy day care business? In this dynamic and interactive open forum you will hear pet business owners from around the world getting coached by pet business coach Kristin Morrison. If you are a pet business owner you will find this Q & A coaching session compelling, supportive, and ultra-informative. This was an hour-long live coaching session and this segment is the second half of that session. At the end of this Q and A session you will be armed with a wealth of information to take back to your own pet business. You’ll have a great time listening to pet business from across the world share about the challenges that pet sitting business owners face each and every day and the solutions that Kristin gives to help solve them.
Click to find out more and to listen to the Ask the Pet Business Coach.
Episode #11: Ask The Pet Business Coach: Part One

Got challenges you are struggling with in your pet sitting or dog walking or dog training business?
In this dynamic and interactive open forum you will hear dog trainers, pet sitters and dog walkers from around the world getting coached by pet business coach Kristin Morrison.
If you are a pet business owner you will find this Q & A coaching session compelling, supportive, and ultra-informative. This was an hour-long live coaching session and this segment is half of that session. Keep a look out for part 2 of Ask the Pet Business Coach next week!
At the end of this Q and A session you will be armed with a wealth of information to take back to your own pet business. You’ll have a great time listening to pet business from across the world share about the challenges that pet sitting business owners face each and every day and the solutions that Kristin gives to help solve them.
Click to find out more and to listen to the Ask the Pet Business Coach.
Episode #10: Catapult Your Pet Business

Are you running your pet sitting, dog walking or dog training business… or is it running you? Do you spend too much time doing the routine tasks of your pet business… and not enough time actually enjoying what you do? Do you feel like you deserve to have more ideal clients and make more money (hint: you do deserve it!)…but you’re struggling to figure out exactly what’s keeping your business from growing with ease? Running and growing a business feels difficult for many people in the pet industry… and when you’re feeling the pressures of trying to attract clients and make your business profitable — it can affect your personal life too! The CATAPULT 4-Week Pet Business Program is here to help you gain mastery over your business and it’s happening soon. In this podcast episode one of last year’s "CATAPULTers", Melissa Hammond, shares her experience and how her pet business continues to evolve since attending the program last year.
Click to find out more and to listen to the Catapult Your Pet Business.
Episode #9: How to Deal with Not-Good Client Feedback

Getting bad feedback from clients is painful and yet it’s a part of running a successful business. The more clients you have the more likely you are (at some point) to experience clients who are unhappy with your service.
There are empowered steps to dealing with bad client feedback. Some of these steps that are shared might seem counter-intuitive and that’s why I want to share them with you.
Click to find out more and to listen to the How to Deal with Not-Good Client Feedback.
Episode #8: Interview with Ian Dunbar:
How to Motivate Dogs and Humans

Got some challenging client and staff issues? Did you know the way we train dogs can be very useful in training the people we surround ourselves with: our clients, staff, and even our life partners!
In this podcast episode, I interview the amazing Ian Dunbar and you’ll also learn about the biggest mistakes dog trainers, pet sitters, dog walkers and pet owners make when they are working with their dogs. Oh, and if you want to motivate your clients or prospective clients. you’ll also want to see this!
Click to find out more and to listen to the Ian Dunbar Interview: How to Train and Motivate Dogs and Humans
Episode #7: Turning Your Passion To Profit:
Tracy Lee Jones Interviews Kristin Morrison

Are you grappling with figuring out your right career or business path? Or is your pet sitting, dog walking, pet grooming or dog training business sucking all your life energy?
Don’t worry, there’s hope!
In this Prosperous Pet Business podcast episode you’ll discover the sweet spot to manifestation and how to create a pet business that gives you the gifts of both time and money.
Join Tracy Lee Jones from the Feminine Business Model Telesummit as she interviews Kristin Morrison about how to turn your passion into profit.
Click to find out more and to listen to the How to Turn Your Passion Into Profit.
Episode #6: Paying Attention To The Details:
Is it Kristin Morrison or Kristen Morrison?

Being a business owner requires paying attention to the big and little details.
It's even more important when you are a pet business owner because the lives of the pets you are caring for often depend upon their human caregivers paying attention to details.
Staff members also need to be guided to pay attention to many details when they are representing your pet business. Many pet business owners find that the pet sitters and dog walkers that they’ve hired especially need to be reminded to pay attention.
Click to find out more and to listen to the Paying Attention to the Details.
Episode #5: Kristin Interviews Victoria Stilwell:
How to Speak Dog

Wonder why your dog does what he does? Do you sometimes experience aggressive dogs when you are out walking your dog or your clients’ dogs? Victoria Stilwell is here to explain dog behavior and how to communicate more effectively with your canine friends. If you are a pet business owner, learning to speak ‘dog’ can make your whole job go much more smoothly…and make your time with the dogs in your life much more enjoyable.
Victoria Stilwell will help you bridge the communication barrier between humans and dogs.
Click to find out more and to listen to the Kristin Morrison Interviews Victoria Stilwell: How to Speak Dog.
Episode #4: Alicia Dattner Interviews Kristin Morrison:
Marketing For Pet Business Owners

Marketing. It’s a word that often causes pet business owners to groan. There are so many advertising options and a lot of those options are expensive. Google ad words. Pay-per-Click Advertising (also called PPC). Pet sitting directories. Online Yellow Page advertising. The list goes on and on of possible marketing options available to pet business owners. What really works though? What do you really need to do to have your business phone ring with new client calls month after month?
Alicia Dattner interviews Kristin Morrison about what works when it come to pet business marketing and in the episode you’ll learn what it takes to get more clients. Whether you are new to your pet business or have had your pet business for years, you will learn exactly what you need to do to get your phone to ring.
Click to find out more and to listen to the Alicia Dattner Interviews Kristin Morrison: Marketing For Pet Business Owners.
Episode #3: Taking the Leap from Job to Pet Business

Are you in a 9-5 job and you want to take the leap from full time employee to full time pet business owner?
One of the questions Kristin gets asked most frequently from those who want to start a pet business is about when to quit the job in order to start the pet business (or take the business full time).
In this episode, Kristin explains the reality of what it takes (and how much money it takes) to be ready to quit the day job in order to step into the pet business full time.
Click to find out more and to listen to the Taking the Leap from Job to Pet Business.
Episode #2: How to Attract Your Ideal Clients

What would it be like to run your pet business from a place of only having clients who paid you well and loved the service you provided?
You probably have one or two ideal clients already and with focused intention and action, you can fill your business with clients you love and who love you right back.
In this episode Kristin shares some ideal client attraction methods to help fill your business with clients you enjoy working with and who pay you well for the work that you do.
Click to find out more and to listen to the How to Attract Your Ideal Clients.
Episode #1: Create Your Best Year Yet

Many business owners have an idea of what they want to create but few know how to actually turn their dreams for their pet business into reality.
Goal Setting is at the foundation of successful business creation and that’s why Kristin wanted this topic to be in her first podcast.
In this episode Kristin teaches her method for step-by-step goal setting that her coaching clients have successfully used to take their pet businesses to the next level.
You will learn how to clarify what it is you to create in your business and how best to achieve what it is you want.
Click to find out more and to listen to the Create Your Best Year Yet.