Prosperous Pet Business Podcast

Episode #90: How to Start, Run and Grow a Pet Business

Are you confused on how to start, run or grow your pet business – especially now after a year like no other? You won’t want to miss this episode. Kristin Morrison was interviewed on the Doggish podcast and they generously allowed her to release the episode on Prosperous Pet Business podcast.

In this episode you'll learn:

  • 3 tips if you’re thinking about starting a pet business
  • The power of saying ‘no’
  • How not to burn out in your business
  • How to handle difficult clients
  • How Kristin’s morning practice helped her generate business ideas
  • Self-advocating and firing your client
  • Setting boundaries in a way that works best for you
  • And so much more!

Please note:

A note about this episode’s sponsor: We only allow podcast sponsors we 100% believe in and Pet Sitters Associates (PSA) is one of our reputable sponsors. Save $15 on Pet Sitters Associates pet business insurance by using the promo code PODCAST at checkout:

Apply what you're learning on the podcast with online courses that help you start and grow your pet business.

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