Instant Access Webinars for Pet Business Owners
Pet Business Success Instant Access Webinars

How to Use Google Ads and Pay-Per-Click Ads in Your Pet Business to Gain More Clients and Boost Sales $20
(Webinar Recording) $20
Now, more than ever, it’s crucial for pet business owners to fast-track their online marketing, in order to experience success with online advertising. By measuring, securing, and applying data-driven methods you can learn how to market your pet sitting, dog walking, dog training, or pet grooming business quickly, easily, and effortlessly - and in ways that will reap results!
Josh Martin
Digital Marketing Expert
Boulder SEO Marketing
In this webinar, guest speaker Josh Martin, Digital Marketing Director at Boulder SEO Marketing will outline exactly how to use Google Ads and pay-per-click ads in your pet business in order to gain more clients. After learning from the information in this webinar you will be able to easily set up your own Google Ads and pay-per-click ad campaign! Pay-per-click is the most well-known and established forms of digital marketing. You are likely familiar with seeing these types of ads at the top of Many pet business owners, especially those who live in heavily populated towns and cities, find that in order to get to the top of the search engines, they absolutely must utilize Google Ads and pay-per-click campaigns.
Click for more information on the webinar How to Use Google Ads and Pay-Per-Click Ads in Your Pet Business to Gain More Clients and Boost Sales..

How to Communicate with Clients During an Economic Downturn Webinar Recording
Wondering how you should be communicating with—and marketing to—your clients during these transformative times?
Amanda Brinkman
Small Business
Join marketing maven and host of the Small Business Revolution, Amanda Brinkman, as she outlines actionable communication and marketing strategies to help your pet business weather the Covid-19 storm and keep your customers informed.
In this powerful webinar, you’ll learn:
- Why communicating with customers consistently and authentically is more important than ever
- How to pivot your business model to adapt to a changing marketplace
- How changes to your business model can help benefit your community and your business
- Ways to market your business, across channels, to let customers know how you’re responding to the pandemic, and how they can engage with your business
- Strategies to communicate with customers as your business continues to evolve
After the webinar, you’ll walk away with:
- An understanding of why communicating with customers consistently and authentically is more important than ever, and how to do so
- Ideas around pivoting your business model to adapt to a changing marketplace
- Thought-provoking questions to ask yourself around how your business model can help benefit both your community and your business
- And so much more!
This webinar recording is 75-minutes in length and will be emailed to you immediately upon order and for immediate listening on your computer NOW.
Click to find out more and to purchase the How to Communicate with Clients During an Economic Downturn Webinar Recording.

How To Start A Successful Pet Sitting & Dog Walking Business Recording
(Contains 1 mp3 recording delivered immediately to your email) $20
Are you thinking about starting a pet sitting or dog walking business but not sure how to get started in a way that will insure success? Or are you in your first year of pet sitting and aren’t generating the kind of profits you’d like to be generating?
If you are new to pet sitting and dog walking or in your first year of pet sitting, this recording is for YOU.
In this recording you will learn the steps needed to create a firm foundation from which to launch and run a pet sitting business that thrives from day one. It’s a myth that new business owners have to struggle, overwork and underearn in their first year of business.
Why reinvent the wheel? In this recording you will gain all the tips and tools you will need to get your business phone to ring! You will learn how to create a business that will be stress-free: from Day One. You will come away with being able to create a level of success that usually happens for most businesses after year three-all in your first year of business.
Click here for more information about the How to Start a Successful Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Business Recording.

How To Manage Your Growing Pet Business With Ease Recording
(Contains 1 mp3 recording delivered immediately to your email) $20
Has your pet sitting, dog training or pet grooming business grown faster than you can keep up with it?
Are you grappling with how to handle all those client keys and paperwork?
Feeling unsure when would be the right time for you to hire pet sitters, dog walkers, dog trainers and other staff members to help you in your pet business?
In this 60-minute recording you will learn the answers to these and many other questions that pertain to pet business growth and how best to manage that growth.
Click to find out more and to purchase the How to Manage Your Growing Pet Business With Ease recording.

How to Create a 3-Day Pet Sitting Workweek Recording
(Contains 1 mp3 recording delivered immediately to your email) $20
This recording will truly change your life by profoundly transforming the way you relate to your work and your pet sitting schedule! You will come away excited and ready to create a work schedule that is beyond your wildest dreams (while being firmly rooted in reality).
Most pet sitters think that they have to work long and hard hours to create a successful and profitable business. If you are one of them you are not alone.
Click here to find out more and to purchase the How to Create a 3-Day Pet Sitting Workweek Recording.

Melissa Freer
Mel’s Pet Pals
St. Paul, Minnesota

Secrets for Pet Sitting Business Success Recording
(Contains 1 mp3 recording delivered immediately to your email) $20
Marketing. It‘s a word that often causes business owners to groan.
There are so many advertising options and a lot of those options are expensive. Google ad words. Pay-per-click advertising (also called PPC). Pet sitting directories. Newspaper ads. Online yellow pages. Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The list goes on and on of possible marketing options available to pet sitters.
What really works though?
What do you really need to do to have your business phone ring with new client calls month after month?
In this straightforward and insightful hour-long recording you will learn exactly what you need to do to get your phone to ring NOW!
Click here to find out more and to purchase the Secrets for Pet Sitting Business Success Recording.

Get Pet Business Clients NOW: Marketing that Works Recording
(Contains 1 mp3 recording delivered immediately to your email) $20
Marketing. It‘s a word that often causes business owners to groan.
There are so many advertising options and a lot of those options are expensive. Google ad words. Pay-per-click advertising (also called PPC). Pet sitting directories. Newspaper ads. Online yellow pages. Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The list goes on and on of possible marketing options available to pet sitters.
What really works though?
What do you really need to do to have your business phone ring with new client calls month after month?
In this straightforward and insightful hour-long recording you will learn exactly what you need to do to get your phone to ring NOW!
Click here to find out more and to purchase the Get Pet Sitting Clients NOW: Marketing that Works for Pet Sitters Recording.

Getting to YES: Sales Success Tips for Pet Sitters Recording
(Contains 1 mp3 recording delivered immediately to your email) $20
It can often be challenging to toot our horn when it comes to our pet sitting business.
But here’s the thing. You could have your business phone ringing off the hook with new client calls but if you don’t know how to SELL your pet sitting service to potential clients you simply won’t be successful in business.
There are specific steps you can take to becoming a master at selling your service to clients. Believe it or not, selling can be easy, fun and natural when you know how to do it.
This recording will show you how to become an empowered seller of your pet sitting business.
Click here to find out more and to purchase the Getting to YES: Sales Success Tips for Pet Sitters Recording.

Recording Combination Package for Pet Sitters: Secrets for Pet Sitting Business Success, Getting to Yes, Get Pet Sitting Clients NOW!
(Contains 3 mp3 recording delivered immediately to your email) $50
(save $10!)
It can often be challenging to toot our horn when it comes to our pet sitting business.
But here’s the thing. You could have your business phone ringing off the hook with new client calls but if you don’t know how to SELL your pet sitting service to potential clients you simply won’t be successful in business.
There are specific steps you can take to becoming a master at selling your service to clients. Believe it or not, selling can be easy, fun and natural when you know how to do it.
These recordings will show you how to become an empowered seller of your pet sitting business.
Click here for more information about the Pet Sitter Success Recording Series: Secrets to Pet Sitting Success, Sales Success, and Marketing for Pet Sitters.

Recording: How to Hire the Perfect Pet Sitting Staff
(Contains a 75-minute webinar recording delivered immediately to your email) $20
Have you hired pet sitters for your business or are you thinking about hiring pet sitters for your business? This webinar recording is for YOU! This webinar was recorded live with an audience of 30 pet sitters from around the country. The format of the webinar is Q & A (hiring questions from the audience which Coach Kristin answers) which makes the format both enjoyable and illuminating.
Click here for more information on the Hiring Recording for Pet Sitters and Dog Walkers.

Recording: Riches and Relaxation (R&R) for Holiday Pet Sitting
(Contains 1 mp3 recording delivered immediately to your email) $20
Okay, so most of you are smart pet sitters who are aware that you can (and probably will) make more money over holiday periods than you can over a non-holiday time but did you know that you make $500-$1,500 MORE this holiday season than you made last year during the same holiday period?
Click here for more information on the Teleclass Recording for Holiday Pet Sitting.

Recording Combination Packet for Pet Sitters: Hiring the Perfect Staff Members and R & R for Holiday Pet Sitting
(Contains 2 mp3 recording delivered immediately to your email) $30
(save $10!)
Want to catapult to the next level in your pet sitting business? Purchase both the hiring and holiday teleclasses and get ready to jump to the next level in your business.
Click here for more information about the Recording Combination Packet for Pet Sitters: Hiring the Perfect Staff Members and R & R for Holiday Pet Sitting

Suzanne Loosbrock and Judy Bryant
Toni Sits Pets, Ltd.
Columbus, Ohio

Playing BIG: How to Set and Achieve Your Pet Sitting Business Goals this Year Recording
(Contains 1 mp3 recording delivered immediately to your email) $20
Many business owners have an idea of what they want to create but few know how to actually turn their dreams for their business into solid reality.
In this recording pet sitting coach Kristin Morrison teaches her method for step-by-step goal setting that she has successfully used in her business coaching groups and with her individual coaching clients.
When participants follow Kristin’s goal-setting method it virtually guarantees success in achieving pet sitting business goals!
Click here for more information about the Playing BIG: How to Set and Achieve your Pet Sitting Business Goals This Year.

How to Create More Freedom in Your Pet Sitting Business Recording
(Contains 1 mp3 recording delivered immediately to your email) $20
Hi. This is your life speaking. You think that having a pet sitting business means not having a life but guess what? I’m still here. And I want you to pay attention to me and give me my most precious commodity: time.
So many pet sitting and dog walking business owners equate having a business with being leashed to their businesses and/or not having a life. But guess what? It’s just a belief. You can change the way you run your business and thus, change your life.
Click here for more information about the How to Create More Freedom in Your Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Business recording.

How to Transform Conflict Into Connection with Your Pet Sitting Clients and Staff
(Contains 1 mp3 recording delivered immediately to your email) $15
It’s possible to transform conflict into connection if you know how to communicate your needs and desires in a way that your client or staff member can hear.
In this recording we'll discuss ways to resolve conflict that includes everyone's needs: yours, your client’s, your staff’s.
Difficult conversations are a part of business and a part of life. This teleclass will help you become an empowered communicator with your clients, staff, and everyone else in your life.
Click here for more information and to purchase the How to Transform Conflict into Connection with Your Pet Sitting Clients and Staff recording.

Create Your Exit Strategy: How to Prepare Your Pet Business For Sale Recording
Have you been thinking about selling your pet business or is selling your business something you might like to do even years from now? If so, this is the webinar for you.
Most pet business owners are so busy with the day-to-day items on their to do list that they don’t think about nor prepare for their future.
Whether you are new to pet sitting or you have been pet sitting for years, this is the webinar to take to get your pet business in shape so you can get top dollar when you do decide to sell.
Click here for more information and to purchase the How to Prepare Your Pet Sitting Business for Sale recording.

How to Hire and Train The Right Pet Sitting Office Manager Recording
If you haven’t had a day off in weeks, months (or even years?) in your pet sitting or dog walking business then it is time to hire a manager to help you run your business.
Having time off is a necessity, not a luxury. We need it. Our souls need it. Our friends and family need us to take time off so we can just be ourselves and not business owners for a while.
But here’s the thing: if you are like most pet sitting business owners then you probably think it’s nearly impossible to find a manager to take the reins of your company so you can take time off.
If the idea of having a manager sounds even a little appealing but the thought of hiring and training this person feels overwhelming and daunting, then this webinar recording is for you.
Click for more information and to purchase the How to Hire and Train the Right Pet Sitting Office Manager Webinar Recording.

How to Recover From Pet Business Burnout Webinar Recording
Burnout. It’s something most pet sitters, dog walkers, dog trainers and pet groomers face at some point in their pet business career and it can be very damaging for both your business and your personal life.
If you find yourself annoyed when your business phone rings, feel fried and frazzled while returning client emails, if you are usually eating on the run (and nearly always in the car on the way to a pet care job), and find yourself getting upset at petty things that previously did not really bother you, you are probably burned out.
Click here for more information and to purchase the How to Recover from Pet Business Burnout webinar recording.

Julie Patrusky
Auntie Julie’s Dog Care
Albany, California
Social Media Success for Pet Business Owners

How to Market Your Pet Business On Facebook Webinar Recording
Facebook ads are one of the most powerful marketing tools you can use today to gain new clients online quickly and easily for your pet business!
When you use Facebook ads correctly, you can effortlessly get local clients in your city and neighborhood (even if they have never heard of you before)!
In fact, every day you could have a steady flow of leads…from your PERFECT CLIENTS!
The truth is, your clients are already on Facebook, and they WANT you to find them. You have a very valuable service they need!
When done right, Facebook ads can help you gain a huge return on investment—with a large amount of exposure for your pet business with ads viewed by your ideal local customers who are ready to buy your services right now!
Click here to find out more and to purchase the webinar recording Facebook Marketing for Pet Business Owners webinar recording.

Melinda Robbins
Desert Dogs Pet Services, LLC
Surprise, Arizona

How to Market Your Pet Business on LinkedIn to Get Real Results Webinar Recording
Maximizing your use of LinkedIn for your pet business can set your sales on fire, not only because it’s currently the world’s largest business network but also because (according to Oktopost) an amazing 80%* of social media business leads can come through LinkedIn.
The problem? Most business owners simply don't know how to make the most of it.
The good news: you can start seeing real results with your ideal local customers as soon as you take action… and this webinar recording will teach you exactly what to do.
LinkedIn can seem overwhelming with so many options, as well as a bit boring because of its relentless business focus, but within its laser-beam business focus lies its beauty for reaching your exact prospects!
Perhaps you tried fleshing out your LinkedIn presence years ago and got nowhere. But you keep hearing that it’s powerful for business success and you may ask, “Why isn’t LinkedIn working for me?” Well, this webinar will tell you why it’s not working for you now and EXACTLY what you can do about it to build your business and boost your brand.
Tap into the power of LinkedIn to build your business for your pet sitting, dog walking, dog training, pet grooming or doggy day care business with this 75 minute webinar recording.
Click here to find out more and to purchase the webinar recording How to Market Your Pet Business on LinkedIn to Get Real Results webinar recording.

How to (Dramatically) Increase Your Website Search Engine Optimization Webinar Recording
Do you have a website but are not appearing on the search engines or are so far down the pages that no one is finding you online?
SEO is the single most effective marketing method for pet business owners today. Getting high up on Google and other search engines virtually guarantees that you’ll have more clients than you’ll know what to do with!
There are proven methods for getting high on the search engines and in this webinar recording you’ll gain valuable tips and tools to help you soar above your competition—without spending lots of money on marketing!
Click here to find out more and to purchase the How to (Dramatically) Increase Your Search Engine Optimization webinar recording.

How to Make Your Pet Business Website STICKY Webinar Recording
Did you know you only have seven seconds to turn your website viewers into actual clients?
Studies have shown that website viewers make decisions in the blink of eye. It’s the ‘sticky effect’ and clients who find you will either want to delve further into your website (they’ll be glued your website) or they will move on.
There are proven methods to attract your right clients and the words you use on your website can cause clients to take action and contact you. Right now.
This webinar replay will show you how to turn your website into a powerful money-making machine by helping pet owners find you online and contact you immediately.
Click here to find out more and to purchase the How to Make Your Pet Business Website STICKY webinar recording.

How to Grow Your Pet Business Using Instagram Webinar Recording
Instagram is one of the most popular sites on social media today!
If you are not taking advantage of the free advertising platform available on Instagram, you are missing out on getting your pet business in front of a large number of pet owners in your area.
Instagram offers you access to a wide range of pet owners, many of whom are in the target demographic for your pet service (most Instagram users are men and women between the age of 30 and 45). When you learn how to use the Instagram social media platform the right way, it can help you to reach a lot of potential clients you would never otherwise connect with on Facebook, Twitter, or any of your other social media accounts.
Click here to find out more and to purchase the How to Grow Your Pet Business Using Instagram webinar recording.

Website Webinar Combination Package: How to (Dramatically) Increase your Search Engine Optimization and How to Make Your Website STICKY Webinar Recordings
(save $10!)
Are you ready to have your website become a powerful tool that catapults you and your pet business to unbelievable success? Purchase the website webinar combo package and watch your profits soar!
The SEO webinar replay link will rocket you to the top of the search engines and the STICKY webinar replay will turn those website viewers and lurkers into actual clients.
Click here for more information on the pet business website webinar combination package.
Pet Business Online Conference Video Package

Pet Business First Annual Conference Expert Speaker Video Package
(Links to 19 videos sent to you for immediate viewing) $147
Have you heard of the Prosperous Pet Business Online Conference? Thousands of pet business owners from around the world attended and Kristin Morrison interviewed over 20 top pet business experts including Patti Moran from Pet Sitters International, Paul Mann from Fetch! Pet Care, Ian Dunbar who is a world-renowned dog trainer, author and TED talk speaker and Andrea Arden, top dog trainer on Animal Planet.
This video package is like having a mastermind group at your fingertips! And you’ll have access to the videos for a lifetime to watch, listen and learn from these top pet business experts. This video package also comes with free gifts from many of the expert speakers as well!
Click for more information on the Pet Business First Annual Conference Expert Speaker Video Package.

Pet Business Second Annual Conference Expert Speaker Video Package
(Links to 20 videos sent to you for immediate viewing) $147
Join Kristin Morrison and thousands of pet business owners from around the world by getting lifetime viewing of these 20 conference videos from 2015 Prosperous Pet Business Online Conference. Kristin Morrison interviewed 20 top experts including Victoria Stilwell from Animal Planet, Patti Moran from Pet Sitters International (this is the 2nd year in a row that she spoke at our conference—wait until you hear the tips she has to share!), and Martin Deeley from International Association of Canine Professionals.
This video package will rock your pet business and your life. If you are ready to create or expand your pet business you won’t want to miss these expert videos. You can watch, listen and learn whenever you like as you’ll have full access to the videos for a lifetime of viewing. Many of the speakers are also giving away many free gifts so you can continue to put what you learn from the videos into practice in your pet business.
Click for more information on the Pet Business Second Annual Conference Expert Speaker Video Package.

Pet Business Third Annual Conference Expert Speaker Video Package
(Links to 17 videos sent to you for immediate viewing) $147
Want to make a big leap forward in your pet business? It’s easy when you get lifetime access to the 17 conference videos from 2016 Prosperous Pet Business Online Conference. This is the third year of the pet business conference! Kristin Morrison interviewed 17 top experts including Beth Stultz from Pet Sitters International, Victoria Stilwell from Animal Planet, Marc Allen who wrote the book Millionaire Mindset (the information he shares on his video will blow your mind and help you create much more abundance in your pet business!) and many other business experts.
Prepare to be amazed! This video package will change the way you run and expand your pet business. If you are ready to take your pet business to the next level, you’ll want to watch all of these expert videos. And when you purchase this video package you can watch whenever you like because you’ll have lifetime access anytime for unlimited viewing. Many of the business experts are also giving away free gifts so you can continue to put what you learn from the videos into practice by using the tools they provide along with their videos.
Click for more information on the Pet Business Third Annual Conference Expert Speaker Video Package.

Pet Business Forth Annual Conference Expert Speaker Video Package
(Links to videos sent to you for immediate viewing) $147
If you are like most pet business owners, you often struggle with how to market your business to attract your ideal clients, how to hire and keep great staff and what it takes to grow your pet business in an easy, relaxed way so that you can have more money and create more time for your personal life.
The 2017 Conference Video Package contains all this information and so much more! In this package you’ll find 20 business and life management speakers who share their experience and solid steps so you can know exactly what you need to do to take your pet business to the next level. You’ll also receive gifts from many of the speakers that will help you put what you learned into concrete action!
Click for more information on the 2017 Pet Business Conference Video Package.

Pet Business Conference Video Combination Package: First And Second Annual Conference
(39 videos delivered immediately to your email for lifetime viewing) $247
You asked and we listened! We’ve received a lot of requests for the conference video package and now here it is. With this combination video package you’ll get a lifetime of viewing all 39 videos from the 2014 and 2015 pet business conferences plus the free gifts from the speakers that were given to conference attendees. Watch, listen and learn from top pet business experts as well as mind, body and spirit leaders to help you create more profit, ease and freedom in your pet business (and your life).
Click for more information on the Pet Business Conference Video Combination Package.

Pet Business Conference Video Combination Package: First, Second And Third Annual Conference
(56 videos delivered immediately to your email for lifetime viewing) $397
Want lifetime access to all of the conference videos at a reduced price? This is the combo for you! You’ll gain unlimited access to all 56 speakers immediately upon ordering. If you want to make a lot more money and create more ease and freedom in your business from the comfort of your own home, this is the package you’ll want to get. Watch as pet business experts share their secrets for success. It’s like having a mastermind group right in your own home!
Click for more information on the Pet Business Conference Video Combination Package.