Author Archives: Kristin

Episode 113. How to Create Company Culture in Your Pet Business

Susan Kaplan from BeLoved Pet Sitting is a pet sitter in San Diego. In her coaching session today, she is bringing up a question that I’ve never been asked before on the podcast: How to create positive company culture.  Company culture is something that is often discussed in a lot in tech companies but rarely…

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Episode 112. Create Policies and Procedures to Save Time, Money and Energy

In today’s coaching session, I’m working with Tina, a pet business owner who feels like she’s constantly putting fires in her business. She has 5 part-time staff to help her, but she gets a lot of last-minute calls from them asking for time off which causes her to have to jump in and be the…

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Episode 111. Dealing with Depression and Anxiety as a Pet Business Owner

In today’s coaching session, I’m working with Cora, a pet business owner who sometimes struggles with occasional bouts of depression and anxiety. When it hits her, it causes her to suffer – and her business to suffer. When she’s not experiencing depression and anxiety her energy level is high, her response time to clients is…

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Episode 110. Create a Business Schedule You Love

Today’s coaching session is with Donna, a pet sitter and dog walker in Tennessee.  She has owned her business for a few years and she’s struggling with creating a schedule that works for her and her full personal life with family and many pets. (Donna wins the award for the pet business owner I’ve coached…

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Episode 109. How to Deal with Pet Sit & Dog Walk Client Keys

Val Goren is an Atlanta-based pet sitter and dog walker who has a quickly growing pet sitting and dog walking business. Like many pet pros who provide home-based pet services, Val is having challenges managing the vast amount of client keys she and her staff are responsible for.  In this episode you’ll hear how she…

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Episode 108. Get Over Your Fear Of Hiring

Do you have a fear of your employees taking your clients? Do you struggling to keep employees for as long as possible, but they often leave within a few weeks or months?  The dog walker and pet sitter I coach on this episode was struggling with those questions and other challenges, most of which involve changing her…

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Episode 107. How to Run a Pet Business When You Have a 9-5 Job or Another Business

Marie has a dog products business on Etsy and she also wants to start a service-based pet sitting and dog walking business. She’s wondering how to go about creating a service-based business in addition to her existing dog products business.    Marie has a lot of questions about the startup process including how to start…

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Episode 106. Shoestring Budget Marketing for Pet Business Owners

Stephanie is a new dog trainer who needs help getting clients quickly in her dog training business. Like many pet professionals who are on a shoestring budget, she’s unsure what marketing makes the most sense to invest in right now, given the many advertising options available. As a new business owner, Stephanie is also feeling overwhelmed…

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Episode 105. CPR For Your Personal Life

Does your personal life go to the very bottom of your business to do list – or not get any attention from you at all? Today’s coaching client is Karissa and nearly every day she experiences a lack of attention on her personal life. In the midst of her busy “one-stop shop” pet care business,…

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Episode 104. Create a Solid Business Foundation

Even if you’ve had your pet business for years, there may be parts of your business that are not quite solid. When solidity is created in the areas of business that require it, there’s so much more that’s possible in your business (and in your personal life). Today’s coaching client is Maryann Berry, a new…

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