Here’s How You Can Finally Have the Fulfilling, Lucrative Pet Business You’ve Always Dreamed Of…

Discover The Strategies, Tools, And Step-By-Step
Action Plan That Thousands Have Already Used
To Build And Grow A Successful Pet Business

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Whether you want to start your pet business right now or you’ve been running your business for many years, you’ll find helpful tools, education, and actionable advice specifically created for pet-focused businesses that will take you from where you are now to where you want to be.

Even better, the training you’re about to get your hands on works no matter what type of pet business you have – dog trainers, pet sitters, dog walkers, doggy day care owners and pet groomers have all used these techniques to grow healthy, rewarding businesses… and so can you!

With Prosperous Pet Business, You Will Learn...


How to Prepare for Holiday Pet Sitting

Video Marketing to Boost Your Business

How to Use AI to Benefit Your Pet Business

How to Increase Your Pet Business Website SEO

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You'll Find Everything You Need To Run Your Pet Business Like A Well-Oiled And Profitable Machine Inside Prosperous Pet Business

Monthly Webinars

Get access to monthly webinars that cover a variety of relevant and timely topics, such as how to improve your website search engine optimization, how to get more clients, and many more. These empowering webinars will help you run and grow your pet business more easily. You can listen from home or simply watch the replay if you miss one of these valuable webinars.

Pet Business Coaching

Get access to monthly webinars that cover a variety of relevant and timely topics, such as how to improve your website search engine optimization, how to get more clients, and many more. These empowering webinars will help you run and grow your pet business more easily. You can listen from home or simply watch the replay if you miss one of these valuable webinars.

4-Week Pet Business Success Programs

Get access to monthly webinars that cover a variety of relevant and timely topics, such as how to improve your website search engine optimization, how to get more clients, and many more. These empowering webinars will help you run and grow your pet business more easily. You can listen from home or simply watch the replay if you miss one of these valuable webinars.

Annual Prosperous Pet Business Conference

Get access to monthly webinars that cover a variety of relevant and timely topics, such as how to improve your website search engine optimization, how to get more clients, and many more. These empowering webinars will help you run and grow your pet business more easily. You can listen from home or simply watch the replay if you miss one of these valuable webinars.

Read The Results Other Happy Pet Business Owners Have Experienced Through
Prosperous Pet

"I called Kristin for some coaching sessions and she gave me practical advice that was relevant to my situation, easy to implement, and most of all made sense! She spent time asking me important questions and listening to what I had to say then she helped me put together a plan of action...After putting into practice just a few of her ideas, I am happy to report that I not only made my goal for the next month, I SHATTERED it! I went from earning just over $1,000 a month before I started coaching sessions with Kristin to booking over $3,600 a month..."
Rita Reimers
The Kat Lady Cat Sitting Service, Los Angeles, California
"Thanks to you, I increased my bottom line by almost $20,000 in the last year."
Julie Rogers
Your Pet's Nanny, Ventura, California
"After taking one of Kristin's webinars and implementing the suggestions she made, I had an immediate response and gained new clients within a week after the webinar. My phone is ringing and new clients are popping up every day. Thanks, Kristin. You are the best!!!"
Kathleen O'Brien
The Irish Sitter Petsitter, Cary, Illinois
"The 4-Week Best Year Yet Jumpstart was/is one of the most fantastic things I have ever been a part of. The 4-Week Best Year Yet Jumpstart Program gave me tools to make a plan and follow it, also showed me things I was/am doing right, but more importantly it is helping me IDENTIFY what exactly it was/is making me unhappy and what I truly want so I can get back on track, not only with my business but my life in general. I have also made new friends in the group! You and all of these women that I was able to connect with are awesome. THANK YOU, and see you in February for the 4-Week Pet Business Catapult!
This was/is one of the most fantastic things I have ever been a part of. You and all of these women that I was able to connect with are awesome. THANK YOU!"
Adrienne Cilliers
Ponte Vedra, Florida
"Kristin, you are the Oprah for all of us in the pet care industry! I had many Ah Ha moments during the 4-Week Jumpstart Pet Business Program. Your kindness, wisdom and sincerity was so appreciated. The Jumpstart Program helped to boost my confidence and energized me to take action.I will take advantage of your webinars and other helpful information that is available. I’m so glad that I found you. You are the best!"
Nancy Carlson
Critter Sitter Pet Care, Holly Springs, North Carolina
"I really enjoyed the Catapult! Pet Business Success Program and learned a lot. Through the homework, networking with other pet sitters and innovative ideas, I have had great results! I have seen an increase in clients- 6 new clients this week alone. It is amazing to me!"
Sarah Johnson
Pampered Pet Care of Atlanta, LLC Atlanta, Georgia
“I feel more empowered to take on the task of having a life while still working on my business.
It was very helpful to hear from others in similar situations. It was also helpful to hear from others in different stages of life/work. Feeling like you’re the only one can make it a daunting task to improve. With the support of the facebook page and action buddy I am now not alone and have a sounding board to get advice.
Scheduling time for fun/myself is now a priority. Tackling the goals/ work that I would normally put off allows me to be more productive and have time for my self at the end of the day guilt free.
I am very pleased with the learning and information presented in the Jumpstart class. What I learned is very valuable to improving my work life balance. I will definitively be staying in touch with my action buddy to help us achieve our goals. Having a support system in place will be very beneficial in working towards a life I want."
Joshua Perlin
Sharon, Massachusetts
"Initially I thought the Best Year Yet 4-Week Jumpstart Program would be about pet business practices: marketing, challenges, etc. What it turned out to be was magical and exactly what I needed. I never realized how physically and emotionally drained I truly am and how many things I need to do for myself instead of my business.
I truly enjoyed being part of a group that was learning and stretching their minds. It has truly been a gift to have the FB page forever and to have other ladies who can help me out as I “micro step” through all the exercise’s both for business and personal growth. I really liked that you had set the group up as a “safe haven” so we could open up and be honest.
I had not realized how astray I had gone in both my business and life focus. It has been scary to realize just how burned out and miserable in life that I had become. I had sold my life to my business. Now I know how to buy it back!
Thank you for sharing your life experiences and using the strength that you have in your life’s journey to help people like myself out. I believe you are exactly where you should be in life, it is truly a calling."
Joan Caradonna
Swampscott, Massachusetts
"I was skeptical at first of how much I would get out of the Best Year Yet Jumpstart Program. I actually got more and in different ways than I was expecting. Identifying roadblocks, facing them, changing the way I’m thinking both challenged and surprised me. This program was offered exactly when I needed it to with so many changes in my life. Thank you for your support and care and honesty and providing help in a changing industry."
Nancy Manuputy
Greenwood, Indiana
"After the Catapult Pet Business Program I am now taking more time for myself and setting boundaries.
I would recommend the Catapult Pet Business Program as I found it to be very motivating and it was also great to communicate with others that are sharing similar experiences within their own pet businesses."
Vivienne Moir
Capital Cats and Canines, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
"Kristin….you have been a HUGE part of my personal and business growth…and I feel like I have just started. Just hearing you say the things that I have been feeling has given me HOPE that I will succeed, just knowing you have been there, done that. Thank you so much for sharing all of your knowledge and giving me a new direction! You are the BEST!"
Kelly Winn
Waggs 2 Whiskers, Bagdad, Kentucky
"Thank you for the experience of the Jumpstart Program. I feel well-balanced now. I got fresh ideas and a fresh perspective. Also, I discovered that my goals for my business have changed.
I have realized that what I like most about my business is the actual pet sitting. I am not interested in growing fast, but “setting modest goals”.
I have spent more time with my husband and appreciate him more and it is amazing how much better we get along.
I spend some time everyday exercising, whether it be at the gym, walking my dogs, or working out with my weights and treadmill here at home.
When I entered the 4-Week Jumpstart Pet Business Program, I thought that being successful meant growing my business in leaps and bounds, making more and more money, and beating out the competition. I now know that is not me and in realizing that I have realized who I am and what makes me happy and it has freed me. Thank you so much for your time and your insights."
Sue Villetta, LVT
Las Vegas, Nevada
"I read Kristin’s book before I quit my full time job to start this business. The Catapult Pet Business Program has helped to give me some direction. I purchased a few of Kristin’s packets and handbooks and I have found them to be immensely helpful! I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this class to other pet business owners. The advice can be applied to all pet-related businesses. I really enjoyed working with you, Kristin; thank you!"
Melissa Hammond
Owner, Backyards to Barnyards Pet Sitting Services, Sterling, Conn.

Is It Easy To Get Started?

Yes! Through the webinars, coaching and annual conference you’ll be guided through every step of starting, growing, and even selling your pet business. This is NOT a get-rich-quick guide. However, as someone who struggled to create a successful pet business and then finally achieved her “breakthrough” Kristin will help you eliminate your fears and empower you to be able to easily create the pet business of your dreams.

Is It Affordable?

You bet. You’ll find all kinds of tools, including private coaching and monthly webinars, that are affordable and custom tailored to your particular niche pet business. With Prosperous Pet Business, you can easily and affordably create and expand your pet business. There’s also a lot of free information on this website with helpful advice for growing and expanding your pet business.

Are You Ready To Stop Struggling And Start Creating
Your Own 6 And 7-Figure Pet Business?

If you would like to learn more about how you can build a successful pet business that gives you the time and financial freedom you crave, go ahead and take a look around the website. You’ll find webinars, advice, and lots of information just waiting to be used.

Your Pet Business Shouldn't Run Your Life...Explore Prosperous Pet Today And Start Designing The Freeing, Fulfilling, And Abundant Pet Business – And Life – You Want!

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