Prosperous Pet Business Podcast

Podcast #97: Automate Your Pet Business

My coaching client today is Kelsey who runs a pet grooming and dog kennel in Nevada. Kelsey is experiencing a lot of stress with employees who say they will do something but then don’t do it. She’s also struggling because she’s short staffed and is having a hard time finding quality people.

Kelsey reached out to me for a coaching session that she agreed could be recorded for the podcast. Like most pet business owners who have employees, Kelsey’s staffing issues have become magnified due to being short staffed during this pandemic and not having quality staff she can depend on. It becomes clear that automation can be her best friend with her current staff and you’ll hear the coin drop for Kelsey when she starts to realize she does have the power to change her business for the better! You’ll hear exactly how she can do that – and how you can do it too.

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A note about this episode’s sponsor: We only allow podcast sponsors we 100% believe in and Pet Sitters Associates (PSA) is one of our reputable sponsors. Save $15 on Pet Sitters Associates pet business insurance by using the promo code PODCAST at checkout:

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