Prosperous Pet Business Podcast

Episode #144: Pet Business Digital Nomad

Today’s episode is a conversation that Kristin Wilson had with me on her podcast, Badass Digital Nomads.

You’ll hear Kristin and I discuss the various ways we kept ourselves away from traveling (sniff sniff!)

You’ll also learn how the desire to travel eventually pushed us to set up our businesses in ways that would enable us to go away for long stretches of time, including a sabbatical I took a few years ago for nearly a year from my pet business.

If you desperately need some time off, or you want to travel for short or extended periods of time while your business runs without you, this is the episode for you!

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Pet Sitters Associates: PSA is a highly-respected insurance company providing insurance for pet business owners. Use promo code PODCAST at checkout to get $15 off your annual insurance premium: Pet Business Courses provide anytime access courses including How to Start a Pet Sitting Business in 7 Days, Catapult 4-Week Pet Business Program, Facebook Marketing for Pet Business Owners and more. Apply what you’re hearing on the podcast by learning from these online courses that help you start and grow your pet business right now.

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