Pet Business Interactive Workshop:
How to Create and Achieve Your Business and Personal Goals in 2023

Thursday, January 5, 2023 at 4:00pm Pacific / 7:00pm Eastern

This is an interactive Zoom workshop unlike any Kristin Morrison has ever offered! 

All pet sitters, dog walkers, pet groomers, dog trainers and dog daycare owners are welcome to attend and participate in this interactive workshop.


Many pet business owners have an idea of what they want to create in 2023 but few know how to turn those ideas into reality.

This webinar will help you do that!

In this interactive workshop, pet business coach and author Kristin Morrison will share her empowering method for step-by-step goal setting and achieving that has helped many pet business owners achieve their personal and business goals.

You will learn how to discover and clarify exactly what you want to create personally and professionally in 2023.

If you need motivation and insightful instruction to help you step powerfully forward into this brand new year, you won’t want to miss this interactive and empowering workshop!

If you’re feeling personally or professionally stuck, confused, or overwhelmed by the thought of setting and achieving personal and business goals, you’re not alone! This workshop can help you.

After this comprehensive workshop, you will have a clear sense of what needs to change in your business and personal life in order to move powerfully forward toward your goals - and how to best avoid burnout as you tackle your goals. You’ll also gain support from Kristin and fellow pet business owners to take what you learn in this workshop so that you can apply it in your business and your personal life in the new year.

You deserve to have an empowering, profitable and enjoyable 2023! This workshop will help you with that and so much more.

What you can expect from this workshop: During the first portion of the workshop, pet business coach and author Kristin Morrison will share her experience of turning dreams into reality using powerful goal-setting methods. You’ll also get a goal setting workbook that will give you clarity to re-evaluate 2022 and chart a new and improved course for 2023.

After that, you’ll break into small groups with like-minded pet business owners and you’ll discover how to rethink how you’re taking actions in order to set up the new year for success. At the end of the workshop, you’ll come back to the large group and, if you like, share what you learned with the group.

In This Interactive Workshop You Will Learn:

  • The #1 tip for goal-setting to powerfully achieve your goals
  • A proven method for combating procrastination so you’ll stay on track
  • How to uncover the blocks that can prevent you from attaining your goals
  • Why setting personal goals can increase your business success
  • Out-of-the-box ideas that can take you from where you are now to where you want to be
  • Where and how to find a pet business accountability buddy to keep you on track
  • Why it’s important to re-evaluate your personal AND business life before setting goals for the next year so can get you on the path to business and life success
  • What can keep you from moving forward toward your goals and how to get unstuck
  • Best practices and daily habits that can keep you on track for your optimum personal and business success
  • And much more…

You Will Walk Away With:

  • An accountability buddy, if you and your small group members choose to get a buddy. (And if not, you’ll have the tools for how to get one outside of the group.)
  • A deeper connection to yourself and to pet business owners in your small workshop group as well as the larger group.
  • A clear understanding of how to take what you learn in this workshop to move your pet business and life forward to create what you most want in 2023.
  • Tips and tools for staying on track to create a business you enjoy running
  • A completed assessment of your 2022 challenges and what you achieved and a clear list of what you most want to create in 2023 - and how best to achieve those goals
  • And much more!

Details and FAQ about the Workshop:


Time: 4:00pm Pacific / 7:00pm Eastern

How long is this workshop? 2 - 2.5 hours

How much:
$50 (register December 31 or later)

How does class take place? Via Zoom. You’ll learn a lot and have a great time with pet business owners from all over the world who will be attending the workshop. (There will be attendees from Canada, United States, Australia, UK, and many other parts of the world.) You will love it!

Can you send me the recording if I can’t attend the live workshop? Absolutely! But please note that attending live is very much in your best interest as this is an interactive workshop! All attendees will receive a recording of the workshop the day after the workshop date. You’ll have 90 days to watch, listen and learn from the workshop recording and you’ll also receive a Best Year Yet workbook to evaluate your year so far and vision for what you most want to create in 2023.

Will there be space on this workshop if I wait to sign up a few days before the workshop date? Perhaps not! This interactive workshop was sold out the last time it was offered and those late to register were unable to sign up, and we're anticipating that may happen again. If you'd like to set powerful goals for the new year within a supportive commmunity of business owners, we recommend you sign up today to claim your spot!

Will there be only pet business owners on this workshop? There will be business owners of all types on this workshop but the majority will be pet business owners. This interactive workshop is for anyone who is interested in setting empowering goals for the new year; you don't even need to have a business to attend. Some of the questions in the workbook will be for business owners but if you're not a business owner, you can simply skip over that part! If you have friends or family members you'd like to attend, they are welcome to sign up! You can forward this workshop page to them so they can find out more about it. 

I can’t make it on the particular day that it is currently scheduled. Will you be offering this class on another night? I won’t be offering this workshop again for at least the next 12 months.

I’m tired of being on the computer. Why should I do this workshop? I hear you. Many webinar and workshop attendees find they learn best from the comfort of their bed with their laptop or their feet up while relaxing in a comfy chair. You’re welcome to do that too! And, if you and your brain are really fried the day of the live workshop, you will have access to the recording for 90 days, so you can watch at a time where you feel receptive and ready to take in this valuable information.

Is this workshop for all types of pet business owners? Yes. This workshop will have all types of business owners attending as well as many serviced-based pet professionals including: (and pet sitters, dog walkers, dog trainers, dog day care owners, dog groomers, etc.) who want to discover how to effectively set and achieve their personal and business goals in 2023.

Okay, this sounds great! How do I sign up? It’s easy! Just click the registration button below to sign up.