Prosperous Pet Business Podcast

Episode #134: Healing Hyper-Independence and Loneliness

This is an episode from my other podcast that is for all types of business owners called, Business Pathfinder.

I wanted to share this episode with you, dear pet business owner, because I think you may find it helpful too. A lot of pet business owners suffer from what my coaching client in this session is struggling with in this coaching session.

It’s my hope that if you also struggle with what my coaching client is grappling with, that hearing this session will help you and perhaps even begin to help you heal, too.

My coaching client in this session is Alex. She is a software engineer and entrepreneur in Poland. She helps business owners master technology through a membership site she created called Tech Club.

Our conversation at the beginning of the session may at first seem like it’s not relevant to Alex’s business but as you listen, you’ll hear it sets the stage for where we end up going in this session.

Alex is one of those entrepreneurs who “has really good starts” but after her initial success, her projects seem to fizzle out.

We bring who we are into our business. If we’re not consciously aware of what we’ve learned about money and work from our parents and grandparents, we may unconsciously carry those parental beliefs that aren’t ours into our work.

This can also happen with childhood wounds that have not yet been healed – they can profoundly impact how we run our businesses, as you’ll hear is the case with Alex.

Trigger warning: there’s a brief mention of suicidal thoughts in this episode so please take loving care of yourself as you listen.

Thanks to our sponsors:

Pet Sitters Associates: PSA is a highly-respected insurance company providing insurance for pet business owners. Use promo code PODCAST at checkout to get $15 off your annual insurance premium: Pet Business Courses provide anytime access courses including How to Start a Pet Sitting Business in 7 Days, Catapult 4-Week Pet Business Program, Facebook Marketing for Pet Business Owners and more. Apply what you’re hearing on the podcast by learning from these online courses that help you start and grow your pet business right now.

How is Alex doing now? Here’s an update from Alex in her own words:

Podcast Coaching Client:

Hi Kristin,

Since being coached on the Business Pathfinder podcast, I have run into possibilities of getting help from a couple of healers and coaches and each session has given me something very meaningful and lasting, just like your podcast has. I’ve been building my little book of proof that I’m not alone and I can get help any time I want, but also, when I offer help it will be accepted. This gives me a loving feeling of being a substantial part of the universe. But here’s the best story…

I was renting out my apartment and my tenants ruined it – their dogs peed everywhere, ruined the floors I had put in 6 years ago, baseboards, even doors. What seemed initially as a job for 2 days of work, turned out to be a full-blown refurbishment of the apartment. I am capable of doing things like this myself (my dad wanted a boy, so, well, he taught me:), but I don’t have much muscles and it is hard work that requires strength and heavy lifting. There seemed to be no end to the work. My dad could have helped me, but he was going on a 10-day trip and I wanted to rent out the apartment to make up for the financial losses as fast as I could.

One day I sat down, summoned my new spiritual team (that I gathered after the podcast thanks to one of the healers) and said: “Guys, I have no idea how you’re going to do this, but I want someone to help me with the refurbishing of the apartment. I don’t know anyone who can do this, I have no ideas, but I’m putting my trust in you. Please help.”

And I got a phone call from a man who wanted to rent the apartment. I told him he can’t even see it – it still smells, I gotta refurbish it before I can show it to people. And he said: “Oh I can help with that. This is what I do for a living!”. Oh my goodness!

Long story short, he came, he saw, he rented the apartment and moved in yesterday. He told me to finish the floors only and leave everything else to him. He will take care of the myriad of small and big issues, helped me with the heavy lifting and went with me to the store to buy the paint and everything else he needs to finish. He’s got a kind heart, is hard working, doesn’t drink and has the nicest family who helped him move.

I feel loved, safe and taken care of. I let the help in and watched the events unfold, I’ve put in the work, but not ALL the work – just enough to get things going. I’m so grateful.

Thank you, Kristin, for getting me back on the right track. You are wonderful.

Much love,


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