
Calm Aggressive Dogs and Walk Without Fear with Victoria’s Dog Training and Behavior Secrets

Do you ever feel afraid of aggressive dogs when you are walking your own dogs or a client’s dogs? If so, you are not alone. This is a fear that many pet sitters, dog walkers and even dog trainers grapple with. In this segment, you will learn empowering ways that actually work when dealing with aggressive dogs that you may encounter on your neighborhood walks. You’ll also learn how to reinforce positive behavior and correct negative dog behavior regardless of the dog’s age (contrary to popular belief you can teach an old dog some positive new tricks). There are some key ideas to be aware of when working with dogs and Victoria will spell out what those ideas are so you can feel empowered when you are working with your own or a client’s dog. Prepare to be amazed at what you will learn in this segment!

Victoria Stilwell

In This Segment You’ll Learn:

  • How you can best protect yourself when walking aggressive dogs or encountering an aggressive dog on a dog walk
  • The easy and “secret” method to stopping a dog fight when it occurs
  • How to reinforce positive dog behavior and correct negative dog behavior
  • Best ways to communicate with your dogs and the dogs you are working with
  • What skills are needed to be a great dog trainer
  • The most important ideas to remember when working with dogs
  • And much more!

Kristin - MUSINGSKristin’s Musings:

This is the second year that I’ve interviewed Victoria for the conference and I was even more blown away by her wisdom about dogs and dog behavior in this year’s interview. She is so articulate and clear about how best to communicate with dogs (both our own and our clients’ dogs) and I just love the way she is able to explain her message in such a simple yet profound way. I really encourage all of you who work with dogs to watch, listen and learn from this dog training and behavior master. She’s incredible and has so much to teach those of us who work with dogs!

Victoria Stilwell and the Prosperous Pet Business Online Conference are offering this video for unlimited viewing.  Enjoy!

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victoria stilwell picVictoria Stilwell

Victoria Stilwell is a world-renowned dog trainer best known as the star of the international hit TV series, It's Me or the Dog. She’s also a best-selling author and Victoria appears frequently in the media and is widely recognized as a leader in the field of animal behavior.

She’s a passionate advocate for positive dog training methods and she’s the Editor-in-Chief of Positively.com. She’s also the founder of the Victoria Stilwell Academy for Dog Training & Behavior, and the CEO of Victoria Stilwell Positively Dog Training.


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  • Kristin Morrison

    Reply Reply September 28, 2016

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