
Inexpensive Mail Ideas to Reach Potential Customers (Yes, Snail Mail is Powerful!)

Think snail mail is dead? So do your competitors! But savvy business owners out there realize it’s still very much a vital part of a strong marketing campaign. And because few (if any) of your competitors are using snail mail marketing, you’ll be sure to stand out even more. Open your mind to what some consider an old-fashioned way of marketing. After watching this segment you’ll realize that it’s actually one of the most progressive ways these days to grow your business!

Trish Witkowski

In This Segment You Will Learn:

  • Why marketing via snail mail is incredibly powerful for business
  • How your pet business can stand out in the mail without spending a lot of money
  • The most important elements to include when you are mail marketing
  • How to best combine mail and email marketing campaigns for optimum success
  • How often you should do a snail mail marketing campaign
  • And much more!


Kristin - MUSINGSKristin’s Musings:

Oh my goodness! I wasn’t expecting to get so excited from the information contained in this segment but I did and I think you will too. It was surprising to hear the statistics that Trish gave about how many people open snail mail. If that percentage doesn’t inspire you to get a snail mail campaign going, I don’t know what will! The tips she gave for ensuring that perspective customers open up marketing mail was incredibly helpful. It’s fun to see how excited she is about this marketing medium that many think is dead—it’s clearly not. Hello, snail mail!

This video is viewable for ONLY 24 hours:

From Sep 18th at 10am PDT until 10am PDT on Sep 19th.

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Trish Witkowski

An educator, author, designer, and world-class presenter, Trish specializes in creative solutions and engagement strategies for direct mail and marketing. She is also the curator of the world’s most exciting collection of folded print and direct mail samples, and host of the popular YouTube series “60-second Super-cool Fold of the Week.” Trish is also an instructor for the LinkedIn’s online learning platform, Lynda.com.

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1 Comment

  • Kristin Morrison

    Reply Reply September 18, 2018

    Hi there,

    I’d love to read your insights and comments after you’ve watched today’s speaker. Please post them here. 🙂


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