
How To Thrive In Your Pet Business (and In Your Life)

A lot of pet business owners are struggling with various aspects of their pet business. They want to thrive in business but don’t know how. This episode gives you a taste of what thriving can look and feel like in your pet business. If you are a pet business owner who wants to learn about the inner workings of some non-traditional methods of business building, you’ll want to watch this segment!

Kristin Morrison

In This Segment You Will Learn:

  • How to put the pieces together to make the business work in a congruent way
  • Why selling your service or taking actions to uplevel your business probably won’t work if you aren’t doing this one action
  • How to take in positive and negative feedback from clients (it’s probably not what you might think)
  • Some of the hardest issues facing pet business owners today and what to do about those issues
  • And much more!

Kristin - MUSINGSKristin’s Musings:

Come join us: grab your tea, coffee or adult beverage (depending upon what time of day it is) and get comfy in your favorite chair or sofa. Alicia is one of my dearest friends and I’m grateful for her taking the time out of her busy schedule to interview me for this segment. (Thanks, Alicia!) I really enjoyed her questions especially because I didn’t know what questions she would ask me - it was fun to be surprised.


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Kristin Morrison

Kristin Morrison is the founder and host of the Prosperous Pet Business Online Conference. She has coached thousands of pet business owners from around the world and is a nationally recognized pet business conference speaker. Kristin is the the creator of 50+ empowering pet business products for pet sitters, dog walkers, pet groomers and dog trainers. Kristin is the author of three books: Prosperous Pet Business: Interviews With The Experts - Volume One, Six-Figure Pet Sitting and Six-Figure Pet Business and she is also the founder of Six-Figure Pet Business Academy and Six-Figure Pet Sitting Academy. Her podcast, Prosperous Pet Business, is available on iTunes and on the Prosperous Pet Business website. Kristin enjoys making business easy, fun and (very!) lucrative for pet business owners.

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  • Kristin Morrison

    Reply Reply October 20, 2017

    Hi pet business owners,

    If you don’t want to post a comment via Facebook in the section above, come on down here and share! I’d love to know what takeaways you got from this segment and what, if any, changes you’d like to make in your business going forward. Do share. 🙂

    Hope you are enjoying the conference!

  • Ryenne Boro

    Reply Reply October 20, 2017

    Hi Kristin,
    Thank you so much for sharing your story & congratulations on your new marriage!

    I would also like to share my story with you. I am a new pet sitting owner, but like you, found my passion working for another’s business 3-4 years ago. I fell in love! I’ve always been an animal person, but didn’t ever realize I could make it a career until then. While following around my husband, a now retired Marine, I found myself pet sitting for friends for free everywhere we lived, but didn’t think I could actually make money with it. After moving from place to place & tons of not the right jobs, I eventually landed a position as a kennel tech at a humane society in Southern California. During that time I felt I had to take it to the next level if I wanted to help more animals. I enrolled in Vet tech classes almost immediately after moving to our next duty station. However, as much as I wanted it to work, it did not & I wasn’t happy. Thats when I decided to work full time for a fellow classmate’s Pet Sitting business. I did this for a couple of years & was happy, but still felt unfulfilled. In the hopes of not ruining my relationship w/the lady I worked for I tried to find another way & ended up talking to a lady that is well known in the dog behavior industry & even took an online class with her. As amazing as I thought it would be to work w/dogs & help people at the same time, the truth was I didn’t even own a dog at the time & felt it wasn’t the right direction for me either. Maybe one day. After my husband retired we moved to my home state of Missouri & I worked at a small doggie daycare for a year while working on my business. Finally last July I was officially official & have been doing my own thing since. It’s been slow because the area I live in is still growing, but I have hope. I have a handful of great clients and hope to grow after all this fantastic information I have learned from each of you.

    I loved the talk w/Wayne about having a purpose with my business. It’s something that I didn’t think much of before, but totally makes sense. I don’t know if I could ever go vegan, but I have started doing things before this to try to be a better human. I’ve adopted all my pets from shelters, volunteer when & how I can & try to use products that are cruelty free or vegan. Why not implement those things in to my business?!

    Then, there was yesterday’s talk w/Paula. I was/am totally inspired to make my own visual aid to set goals that I always think about, but haven’t taken time to put to paper. I love the idea of having something visible to look at because I am a very visual person. I think the creative aspect will be good as well, because I love to get creative. I think it will help to give me the boost I need to make my business & life what I want.

    So excited to hear more & that I have these talks to listen to and remind me when I need it!

    Thank you,

    Ryenne Boro
    Sit, Play, Love, Pet Sitting LLC

  • Bob DeSantis

    Reply Reply October 20, 2017

    I loved your story on how you began and the above comments from Ryenne Boro and how she began her business. We all have different stories to tell. I think it would be great for your next conference to interview five or six small Pet related business owners and have them tell their stories. In your talk you mentioned calling a business and asking advice on how to start your own business which can be met with reluctance because they don’t want the competition. I have received such calls and make a point to help them as much as I can. Its in all our best interest to have great pet care services in our area and there is plenty of work for everyone. My best competitors now call me to help them out when they are in a bind and I know I can count on them if needed. Thanks again for telling your story and I’m looking forward to the rest of the speakers.

    Bob DeSantis Dearborn Dog Walker LLC

  • Jane Barbone

    Reply Reply October 21, 2017

    Hello Kristin & Alicia, I’m smiling thru the entire interview. It’s once again such a joy to experience the positive enlightened mature Alicia Dattner. As you know I had the pleasure of seeing her as a young budding & super talented stand up comedian with killer writing skills & stage presence. I still remember some of her jokes & at my age, remembering is an ongoing battle of wits. Pls send my greetings. You, Kristin are adorable in your blushing bride experience & I’m thrilled for all your insight & appreciative of the work, time & effort you put into this conference while also pulling off your holiday wedding. Great job. Thx!

  • Christi Moore

    Reply Reply October 21, 2017

    Aloha Kristin and fellow pet sitters. Kristin, congratulations on upcoming marriage! I love, and will incorporate into my life, your suggestion to make space for what you want in your life (I believe that DOES help “attract” it into your life, and also keeps it forefront in your mind).
    I have similar beginning story — laid off high tech job during economy crash, so businesses leaving the metropolitan area, tens of thousands being laid off each year, virtually NO jobs to be had and most of those went to those NOT over 50 years of age. A friend cleaned houses and walked dogs after losing her mainstream job. I tried the housecleaning angle, but didn’t work for me. Then I went with her on a few of her dog walks. I grew up with animals, I knew I could do that with ease. I, too, did not know at the time that dog walking and pet sitting was worldwide industry, that a person could actually get paid to do it! Did the research (which has been ongoing since I started 7 years ago and no end in sight), got a couple clients, and was off and running.
    Unfortunately, my plans to set up business “right” got pulled out from under my by several things, but I’ve persevered in spite of the roadblocks–partly because I’ve had to make a living somehow, but mostly because I LOVE pet sitting, wish I’d known about it decades ago, and really want this to succeed and be my final career change—but am still playing catch up. Had little guidance first couple years, just flew by the seat of my pants. Somehow, my instincts have been fairly accurate as I learned along the way.
    One thing hard for me to achieve in my rural area is getting any kind of mutual help with other area pet sitters — nobody wants to work together or “share”. The one couple I DID trust ended up burning me badly — I lost a client I really liked to them only because they took wrongful advantage of a time I asked them to cover one day of a 2-week booking for me. The client liked me, but since then, they have gone with that couple, so I don’t know what was said or done to cause them to switch. Several other pet sitters in my area have said they aren’t in need or interest of working together with another sitter — most of us out here are solo sitters, I don’t think there is a pet sit business that has pet sitters working for them.
    Kristin, a couple other of your suggestions about taking mindful moments and assessing/visualizing goals each day, is such good advice. I have a cousin who every morning she and her husband (who have run businesses together and raised children together) take 15 minutes to go for a short walk in nearby woods, with coffee cups in hand, to discuss what went right and wrong the day before in every aspect of their lives (home, kids, work, family, activities, etc) and formulate a shared plan for the current day for tasks they would do together and tasks they’d do as individuals. It’s worked for them for 25 years now.
    I started pet sitting way late in life, which brings some disadvantages but also some advantages. Age related problems (health, money, etc.) makes it difficult to accomplish everything that needs to be done in a day because energy is far less than when we are 20 or 30, and a few other things. Age, however, also brings a great deal more wisdom and experience that can be used to advantage. Everything you suggested, Kristin, are things I’ve learned along the way of my life, but I have to say unequivocally it is always very good to “freshen up” now and then, to be reminded of those wise suggestions you made, to be reminded that they really can work even when we’ve become old and somewhat jaded, especially when those suggestions are said in different ways than heard before that may resonate more deeply now. And I thank you, Kristin, wholeheartedly, for those reminders in your video. I’m RE-inspired to reintroduce those techniques in my life. (Still have to figure out, though, how to carve out time around unavoidable Priority Ones with the limited energy and money I have, LOL, but I’m not giving up!)

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