Prosperous Pet Business Podcast

Episode #10: Catapult Your Pet Business

Are you running your pet sitting, dog walking or dog training business… or is it running you? Do you spend too much time doing the routine tasks of your pet business… and not enough time actually enjoying what you do? Do you feel like you deserve to have more ideal clients and make more money (hint: you do deserve it!)…but you’re struggling to figure out exactly what’s keeping your business from growing with ease?

Running and growing a business feels difficult for many people in the pet industry… and when you’re feeling the pressures of trying to attract clients and make your business profitable — it can affect your personal life too!

The CATAPULT 4-Week Pet Business Program is here to help you gain mastery over your business and it’s happening soon. In this podcast episode one of last year’s “CATAPULTers”, Melissa Hammond, shares her experience and how her pet business continues to evolve since attending the program last year.

Apply what you're learning on the podcast with online courses that help you start and grow your pet business.

Listen to this podcast and learn:

  • Why this pet business owner needed help in her business
  • What life and business changes Melissa made as a result of attending the Catapult Program
  • How the 4-week program she attended last year is still helping her in her business today
  • Who will be best helped by joining other pet business owners in this program

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