Episode 157: The Power of Affirmations in Your Business

This episode is different from the pet business coaching sessions you’re used to hearing lately on this podcast! 

Today’s episode is about how affirmations can help your pet business. 

Whether you’ve never done affirmations before (and maybe you even think they are a bunch of hokey woo-woo) or you used to say affirmations, but it’s been a while, what I have to share with you today contains some visual proof of how our words and thoughts impact things (including your business).  

You can see the results of the experiment I did on the show notes page. 

Please note: I encourage you to listen to the episode first before clicking the show notes page below to see the experiment pictures. It’ll be worth the wait, I promise. 

Visit the show notes page at: 


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Find out more about the six books and audiobooks for pet business owners

Find out more and get the Complete Startup Kit for Pet Sitters and Dog Walkers.

Find out more and get the Application Packet for Pet Sitters and Dog Walkers.

Find out more and get the Hiring Kit for Pet Sitters and Dog Walkers (the Application Packet is included in this item)

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Copyright © Prosperous Pet Business and Kristin Morrison
