Category Archives: Uncategorized

Episode 63. Interview with Victoria Stilwell: How to Work with Pets and Their People

There is a common thread that occurs for most dog trainers, dog walkers and pet sitters and that is having to deal with the varied pet challenges that arise in a given day. It is rarely about just walking, sitting or training a dog. Inevitably there are some tricky situations that arise during the course…

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Episode 62. The Power of a Healthy Lifestyle

In this episode, I talk about the importance of a healthy lifestyle and how it can not only support you, but can support your business too. I also share about how I’m giving the keynote at a pet business conference in Burbank, California and how you can get on the guest list to come hear…

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Podcast 61. Steps to Hiring Mastery for Pet Business Owners

In this episode, Shane Whelan, podcast host of Carrying the Fire recently interviewed me, Kristin Morrison, for his podcast and generously gave me permission to also share this interview with you listeners. This focus of this interview is on hiring and how to master the art of hiring well. I had a lot of practice…

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Episode 60. Living Your Authentic Truth in Business and Your Life

Podcaster and life coach Gurds Hundal hosts the Inner Light Project podcast and she recently interviewed me for her podcast and generously gave me permission to also share this interview with you listeners.  This may be a (very!) different interview than you’re used to with me and because of that, I wanted to share it with you. I was working with a coaching…

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Episode 59. How to Practice Self Care: Interview with Jen Louden

I’m so excited about my very special guest for today’s podcast. Jen Louden is known as the “Self Care Queen” and today she’s going to share how busy pet business owners can nurture and soothe themselves during times of high stress and a full schedule of caring for others. Jen was interviewed on Oprah and now she’s…

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Episode 58. How to Outsmart Your Smartphone

I’m excited about this episode because today’s guest is the author of the bestselling book Outsmart Your Smartphone. Technology can be a blessing and a curse and for pet business owners who rely heavily on their phone to run the business, the phone can cause a lot of angst because we feel so leashed to…

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Episode 57. Pet Business Owner Questions

It’s a brand new year and a brand new podcast season! A pet business owner sent Kristin an audio message with her business questions and you’ll hear Kristin’s answer on today’s episode. Also, opportunities to meet Kristin are coming up in 3 California cites in the coming months. Listen for more details! Share your insights…

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Episode 56. Interview with Kristin Morrison on the TV Show “CEO Money”

Share your insights and find out more by visiting the podcast show notes page: 30-Day Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Challenge: Information about Best Year Yet Coaching: Connect with Kristin on Instagram: Email an audio message to Kristin with your business question or challenge and Kristin may answer it on the…

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Episode 55. Kristin Morrison Interview on Spark Podcast

Your mindset, including your negative and positive beliefs, influence what shows up in your life and your business. Psychoanalyst Jung said that the inner always reflects the outer and pet business coach Kristin Morrison has found that to be true in her own life and business journey. In this podcast episode Kristin shares how she…

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Episode 54. 30-Day Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Challenge – Plus Reader Questions

Share your insights and find out more by visiting the podcast show notes page: Yahoo Finance TV Interview with Kristin Morrison: 30-Day Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Challenge: Connect with Kristin on Instagram: Links to the in-person events that Kristin Morrison will be attending are in the show notes: Email…

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