
4-Week Jumpstart to Create Your Best Year Yet!

2014 Dates:

October 22 - November 12

Wednesdays at 5pm PST/8pm EST

$295 (until October 18, 2014)

$395 (after October 19, 2014)

If you’re feeling exhausted, drained and uninspired by your life and your business, there is an alternative!

Come join me and a community of pet business owners just like you who are ready to step fully into their dreams and thrive.

In just four weeks you will catapult your business and life:

  1. Feel a renewed sense of satisfaction in daily living
  2. Create empowerment in moving toward what matters in your business and your life
  3. Turn your visions and dreams into reality
  4. Enjoy greater support, connection and joy!

Many pet business owners who work with me to create their Best Year Yet fall in love with their lives and their pet businesses. It’s powerful work.

You’ll be fully supported every step of the way.  Each week you will join me and many other pet business owners to learn how to create a rich life in addition to having your business.

Want to feel more freedom and joy in your life? Let me show you how!

WEEK 1: Creating the Foundation & Your Life Vision.

Foundation: Discover what helps you thrive on a day-to-day basis

Bumps in the Road: What gets you off track and how to recalibrate and get moving when you get stuck, the power of weekly and monthly goal setting, tracking and scoring

Vision: How your values impact your dreams and how to harness the energy of your visions for powerful dream fulfillment

Put it into practice: Support: receiving and giving, artistic expression of your dreams, cleaning up your guidelines and new paradigm

WEEK 2: Releasing and Letting Go

What’s not working: Discover and eliminate the energy drains in your business and your life.

The Pamper Principle: discovering deep self love and business love through physical and emotional nourishment

Vision: Getting into action around what really matters and what you really want. Wording your visions and goals in a way that inspires you to move toward them

Putting it into Practice: Diving into ‘indulgence’ and pleasure, making your daily practices a ritual, going deep with support and connection

WEEK 3: Tapping In To Energy: Go Get ‘Em, Tiger!

Fuel: Discover what gets your motor going (and what causes it to putter)

Movement: Creating the feeling of ‘ahhhh’ around your goals and the power of micro-movements

Pampering 2.0: Ramping up your joy

Put It Into Practice: Giving attention to motor-revving activities, taking the next right micro-movements and leaps, letting go of what no longer serves, and letting yourself love and be loved through pampering and support

WEEK 4: Celebrate and Commit to Your Best Year

Commitment: Discover where you are now in relation to your goals, what’s still needed to get to where you want to go

Movement: The power of the written word, reminding yourself of the why, getting yourself back on track when you fall off

Pampering 3.0: pleasure, fun and relaxation as a regular part of living

Putting It Into Practice: living your vision, being happy in the now, support: giving and receiving

Who this 4-Week Program is perfect for:

  1. You feel stuck in your business and/or your life
  2. You have visions and dreams but you don’t know how to get to where you want to go
  3. You can’t even think about visions and dreams because you can barely keep up with what you have going on now
  4. You are exhausted and have no ‘me’ time (you always somehow seem to end up at the bottom of your To Do list


You’ll receive:

  1. 4 group webinars to catapult your life and dreams
  2. 12-month subscription to the Best Year Yet online software which will help you map out and track your visions and goals
  3. Action steps each week to create your most powerful life and business
  4. Weekly e-mail support
  5. Private Facebook group to connect. You’ll be a part of a like-minded community to give and receive support

I’ve guided thousands of pet business owners to transform their relationship to their lives and their businesses. You’ll have a 4-week plan that has worked for me in my own life and for thousands I’ve worked with; a plan that allows you to also create your own unique road map for success.  You’ll receive lots of support and guidance and learn how to give yourself lots of support and guidance too!

Let me support you!



ORDER NOWFor Software & 4-Week Coaching

$295 (until October 18, 2014)

$395 (after October 19, 2014)