Author Archives: Kristin

Episode 43. Working Too Much

The coaching client: Jesse is a pet sitter and dog walker who started her pet business a little over 5 years ago. She has 10 dog walkers and pet sitters who work for her. Even though she’s got a lot of people working for her she finds that she’s somehow working too much! On top…

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Episode 42. Finding Your Pet Business Sweet Spot

Kristin announces her newest book and you can pre-order it starting today! PRE-ORDER the Hiring Handbook for Pet Sitters and Dog Walkers eBook (paperback book and eBook will be released August 2019): Today’s coaching client: Michelle started her pet business in 2016 and didn’t expect it to become a full-time business but it grew…

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Episode 41. Getting Clients is NOT the Problem for This Dog Walker

Alexis has had her pet sitting and dog walking business for 10 years. She has a very easy time attracting clients but is having a really hard time finding good staff members, which is causing her business to not be as successful as she’d like to be. And because she doesn’t have enough staff, she…

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Episode 40. Hiring PTSD

New Jersey pet sitter and dog walker Liz has PTSD when it comes to hiring a manager. She had a really bad experience with her previous manager and, understandably, it has made her afraid to take a risk and hire another manager. She also is having a hard time finding and keeping pet sitters and…

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Episode 39. Getting Unstuck

Those of you who are new to pet sitting or dog walking may think that you’ll know exactly what you need to do and when if you’ve been in business for awhile but sometimes being in business for a long time brings its own set of challenges. Today we’re going to talk about some of…

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Episode 38. Making a Big Change

The scenario: Barbara is feeling confused about how to move forward. She lives in a rural area that is spread out and she works full-time in a 9-5 job while also trying to grow her pet sitting business. Barbara’s had her business for 18 years but it’s been more of a hobby and now she…

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Episode 37. Moving Forward

It’s season three of the podcast and Prosperous Pet Business has something brand new for this season! If you haven’t already heard, starting today and every two weeks going forward for the next few months you get to be a fly on the wall and listen and learn as pet business coach Kristin Morrison does…

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Episode 36. What’s Coming Up Next for the Podcast

I’m going to be shaking things up on the podcast starting with the next episode. There’s something new coming and I think you’re going to like it. In today’s episode, I share what’s coming and how the podcast will be different next season, how you can participate in what’s coming (woo!), and why I think…

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Episode 35. Jumpstart into the New Year

It’s the holiday time which can lead to a lot of burnout, especially for pet sitters and dog walkers. In today’s segment I share why now, even if you are feeling crispy-fried, it’s a great time to vision and get intentional about what you want to create in the new year. So many pet business…

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Episode 34. Removing the Inner Blocks that Keep You Stuck

A few years into my pet business, I had what most would define as success: lots of staff and clients – but it wasn’t my version of success. In today’s segment I share some of the personal journey that I went on to remove the inner blocks that kept me from making money and creating…

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