Author Archives: Kristin

Episode 53. News about Six-Figure Pet Business Academy

Hi wonderful listeners! Six-Figure Pet Business Academy has been in the news lately and I wanted to share about it and some more personal notes about what it’s been like to experience this publicity. Also, I’m going to be in New York City soon and I’d love to meet you while I’m there. Details and…

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Episode 52. It’s Finally Here!

My newest book just got released TODAY. Here’s how to find out more about it and get it. Find out more by visiting the podcast show notes page: Order the Hiring Handbook for Pet Sitters and Dog Walkers eBook in paperback on Amazon or you can get the eBook here: Find out more…

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Episode 51. Something New is Here!

Hi pet business owners! I’ve got something exciting to share with you, something that is brand new (even though what inspired it is not brand new) so click play so you can hear all about it! Share your insights and find out more by visiting the podcast show notes page: Links to Items Mentioned…

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Episode 50. Update from Prosperous Pet Business

I’ve got some news for you podcast listeners. Tune in to this episode of the Prosperous Pet Business podcast to find out more. Share your insights and find out more by visiting the podcast show notes page: Links to Items Mentioned in This Podcast Episode or That Might Help You in Your Pet Business:…

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Episode 49. Setting Up the Pet Business for Extended Time Off

Today’s coaching session: Nikki and her wife Stef own a dog running / dog walking business in Canada. They’ve had their pet business for 3 years and have 15 people working for them – and they need to hire a lot more given the demand for the service they are providing! They love running their…

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Episode 48. Free Marketing that Works for Pet Business Owners

Today’s coaching session: Katie lives in Colorado and has had her dog hiking and dog boarding business for nearly 2 years. She’s feeling a bit discouraged because she’s tried lots of different ways to marketing but her marketing efforts are not really working. She’s only getting one new client every month or two and she…

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Episode 47. Making Big Pet Business (and Life) Changes

Lisa is thinking about going to grad school but her pet business has consumed her life and she knows before she can even consider going back to school, she needs to run her business in a new way so that she can create some mental and physical space in order to even make her decision.…

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Episode 46. Interview with Kristin Morrison

This week I’m shaking things up and releasing a segment that is an interview with me rather than a coaching session. In today’s segment Mary Oberdier from Pet Edu interviews me about what it was like to start and grow my business and asks me to share more about my newest book. I’ll be back…

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Episode 45. Creating Space in the Pet Business to Start a New Life

The coaching client: Jill has had her pet sitting and dog walking business for over five years and she just hired a couple of great employees to help her with the pet services. Now her main focus is to make space in her business in order to have a baby. She’s currently providing about 60%…

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Episode 44. Adding a New Service

The coaching client: Kayla has had her home-based dog boarding and dog daycare business for over 15 years. She is excited about wanting to add the new service of “daytime dog adventures and field trips” but she’s confused about how to even create a bit of time in her always busy days to begin offering…

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