Author Archives: Kristin

Episode 73. A Candid Conversation about Racism with Pet Professionals

Dear Podcast Listeners, Here’s the truth: it felt very vulnerable for all of us on today’s episode to have this conversation about this difficult topic. You’ll hear from each of the guests about what caused them to feel vulnerable about coming on the podcast and talking about this subject. ~Kristin Morrison Visit the show notes…

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Episode 72: 30-Day Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Business Challenge

I’ve had a lot of pet business owners email me with questions about the 30-Day Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Business Challenge that is happening in June 2020 and today I’m answering those questions! Pet business owners from all over the world are attending, including pet sitters, dog trainers, pet groomers, dog daycare owners, and…

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Episode 71. Mining the Gold During This Time

Hi pet business owners, I don’t know about you but I’ve been doing my best to mine the gold during this slow down time. At this point I’ve been in sheltering in place for 7 weeks. What used to feel strange has begun to feel somewhat normal and what used to be normal has begun…

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Episode 70. Interview with Kristin Morrison: How to Turn Your Dream Into Reality

Alain Guilliot is a French Canadian podcaster and I was recently interviewed on his show. He was curious about how I turned my dreams into reality. In addition to airing that interview on his own podcast, he generously permitted me to share the interview with you listeners on this podcast. Here’s that interview. Share your…

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Episode 69. COVID-19 Financial Aid for Pet Business Owners

I’ve had a lot of you ask me about financial aid during this time, including unemployment, grants, and “forgivable” loans. Here’s some information on how to navigate that process as well as other tips to stay mentally and emotionally healthy during this time. Share your insights and find out more about items mentioned in the…

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Episode 68. COVID-19: An Open, Honest and Inspiring Conversation with Pet Business Owners

I recently recorded a conversation with five pet business owners who are experiencing the personal and professional affects from COVID-19. Here’s that conversation.  I’m grateful to these wonderful women who shared their experience, strength and hope for this podcast segment. Thanks to Katie Ballard, Madeline Byrd, Jennifer Morrone, Brigid Wasson and Cara Brockman.  Share your insights and find out more about items mentioned…

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Episode 67. COVID-19: Pet Business Owner Support

Hello pet business owners! I’m popping in to share some business support tools to help you deal with COVID-19. It’s a challenging time and I’m hoping that these emotional and financial tools will give you some comfort from my “21-day lockdown” home in California to wherever you at in the world. Here are the items…

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Episode 66. Jeanette Schneider Interviews Kristin Morrison For On Gold Podcast

I was recently interviewed by podcast host Jeanette Schneider for her On Gold podcast. She generously gave me permission to share this episode that originally aired on her podcast. This is a very unusual podcast episode for me to share with you because, though it’s about my business journey, the interview also focuses on my personal life including what needed…

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Podcast 65. Coronavirus: What You Can Do To Prepare Your Pet Business

You’d have to be living under a rock to not have heard about the coronavirus… The fear of coronavirus is widespread and I don’t want to feed upon that fear however, there are a number of pet business owners who are experiencing the effects of the coronavirus due to their clients suddenly cancelling travel plans…

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Episode 64. Interview with George Kao: Master Time Management in Your Pet Business and Your Life

Do you feel like you are always racing against the clock to care for your clients, your family and yourself? If so, you are not alone. So many pet business owners struggle with time management. In this segment, we’ll help you master your time so that you can have more ease and (yes!) feel more…

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