
How To Get the Spark Back in Your Business To Reenergize and Create a Succulent, Thriving Business

Does running your pet business feel like the “same old thing” lately? Do you feel stressed out all the time with the many business tasks you have on your plate? Have you lost the joy and spark that you had when you first started your business? If so, you are not alone. If you are experiencing a love/hate relationship with your pet business or if you are thinking about throwing in the towel due to stress and overwork, this episode with SARK will be the life raft you and your pet business need. And if you are new to running your business or you are still in love with your pet business you’ll also want to lap up this episode as it will help you navigate the times in the future when you feel depleted by your business.


In This Segment You’ll Learn:

  • What “succulence” is and how to bring it into your pet business
  • Tangible tips to get you out of limited thinking and into a greater vision for your business and your life
  • The best advice that SARK has received from her mentors and how it can help you create an amazing business that thrives
  • Why going after work/life balance often doesn’t work and a better way to manage your work and life
  • The proven cure for burnout
  • And more!

Kristin - MUSINGSKristin’s Musings:

This woman! SARK has been such an inspiration and a role model to me about how to create a great life on my own terms. I started reading her books over 20 years ago and they have deeply and profoundly impacted who I am today and the life I’ve created. SARK (Susan) is a blessing to this planet. I am especially excited for those of you who don’t know her to get to know her through watching this. And those of you who are familiar with SARK: you know you are in for a treat! Enjoy!

This video is viewable for ONLY 24 hours:

From Oct 2nd at 10am PDT until 10am PDT on Oct 3rd.

Don't have time to watch the whole video right now? No problem! Click now to purchase the entire Prosperous Pet Business conference speaker video package at a very low price.

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Susan Head Shot (1)SARK

SARK (Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy) is the co-author, with the late Dr. John Waddell of Succulent Wild Love. She comes from a background of creative expression and uplifting others through the teachings in her bestselling books, products, and programs that support empowered living.

SARK's purpose is to be an uplifter, a transformer and a laser beam of love.

She does that through her art, words and spirit, which have been celebrated by leading thought leaders like Wayne Dyer, Maya Angelou, Marianne Williamson, and more.

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  • Kristin Morrison

    Reply Reply October 2, 2016

    Hi! You can also write a comment down here without logging in to Facebook. We’d love to hear from you! 🙂 ~Kristin

  • Pat DIllard

    Reply Reply October 3, 2016

    I’m not an art person just a technical person. I have no real imagination but I do appreciate others who do. Good to have a well rounded outlook

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