
How Pet Professionals Can Skillfully Handle Dogs (and the Dog’s Human Parents!)

Got challenging dogs you are working with? How about (ahem!) challenging human clients? Handling difficult dogs can be tricky. In this segment, you will discover the most important aspects to dog handling and behavior… and have we mentioned human handling and behavior? If you want to work more effectively with your four- and two-legged clients, you’ll gain a lot of value from watching this segment with seasoned dog trainer, Trish King.

Trish King

In This Segment You Will Learn:

  • The most important aspects of dog handling and behavior
  • The sad incident that led Trish to the world of dog training
  • How to win trust with a fear-aggressive dog
  • How to avoid being bitten (and how to emotionally and physically prepare yourself to get back to working with dogs if you have been)
  • Best practices for dog walkers to handle very strong or energetic dogs
  • How to work most effectively with your human clients
  • And more!

Kristin - MUSINGSKristin’s Musings:

I met Trish years ago when I attended a dog training course she was leading. I found her to be delightful and an engaging public speaker. She is also one of the most outstanding dog trainers that I’ve ever witnessed. Her work with fear-aggressive dogs in particular is something to behold! I almost didn’t ask her the question of how she became a dog trainer, but something in me told me to ask. I’m glad I did (although it was hard to listen to). Some of us find our calling through unusual and sometimes painful circumstances, and she certainly did.   

This video is viewable for ONLY 24 hours:

From Saturday, September 27th at 10am PDT

until 10am PDT on Sunday, September 28th.

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Trish King Trish King, CPDT-KA

Trish has been a professional in the animal world for over 25 years.   As Director of the Behavior & Training Department at the Marin Humane Society, she built a department known throughout the United States for its quality.  Trish established the Canine Behavior Academy at MHS for new or interested trainers.   She currently teaches the Academy of Dog Behavior, hosted by Humane Society Silicon valley, and teaches workshops and seminars on behavior, canine management, temperament assessment, and handling difficult dogs, among other topics. In addition, she and her partner own Animal Behavior Associates, consulting with and helping dogs and their owners.

Her extensive knowledge of animal behavior, as well as her sense of humor, have made her a popular speaker at such venues as the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT), The Humane Society of the US (HSUS), American Humane Association AHA), and California Animal Care Conferences. 

Trish authored a critically acclaimed book for dog owners, Parenting Your Dog (TFH Publications).   She has written numerous articles about dog and cat behavior for local and national newspapers and magazines.  She also developed the “Canine Calming Cap”, marketed by the Thundershirt Company, to help dogs that are overly anxious or excitable.  

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